Steve Bowden
From unforgettable classics such as Donkey Kong and Space Invaders to such modern phenomena as Grand Theft Auto and Wii Sports—the genuine masterpieces of computer games
Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Sonic the Hedgehog, Prince of Persia—computer games have been drawing people in for decades. But which of the vast array are true classics worth becoming addicted to? From the halcyon days of pixilated, one-dimensional blobs charging around a maze to escape from ghosts, to contemporary fully interactive adventures, computer games expert Steve Bowden analyzes the 100 games that comprise his shortlist. Both nostalgic players with a penchant for Atari or whether Mario Kart fanatics who revel in the thrill of the race in Mario Kart will find something they love in this fun and informative book.
English | Paperback | 9781843583097 | 2011 | 232 | |
English | eBook | N/A | 2011 | 232 |
Authors/Narrators: #SteveBowden
Publishers: #JohnBlakePublishing (John Blake Publishing)
Languages: #English
Format: #Paperback #eBook
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2011
Genres: #Compendium
Public Figures:
#AceAttorney (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
#AnimalCrossing (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
#BaldursGate (Baldur's Gate)
#Batman (Batman: Arkham Asylum)
#Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
#Bemani (#DDR [Dance Dance Revolution, Dancing Stage])
#BeyondGoodAndEvil (Beyond Good & Evil)
#Bomberman (Super Bomberman)
#Braid (Braid)
#Burnout (Burnout 3: Takedown)
#CallOfDuty (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)
#Civilization (Sid Meier's Civilization)
#DarkSouls (Demon's Souls)
#Defender (Defender)
#DeusEx (Deus Ex)
#Diablo (Diablo)
#DonkeyKong (Donkey Kong)
#Doom (Doom)
#Elite (Elite) #EVEOnline (EVE Online)
#FinalFantasy (#FinalFantasyVII [Final Fantasy 7, FF7, FFVII, Final Fantasy VII])
#Forza (Forza Motorsport 3)
#FZero (F-Zero GX)
#GeometryWars (Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2)
#GodHand (God Hand)
#GodOfWar (God of War)
#GrandTheftAuto (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)
#HalfLife (Half-Life 2, #CounterStrike [Counter-Strike: Source])
#Halo (Halo: Combat Evolved)
#HeartsOfIron (Hearts of Iron II) #Hitman (Hitman: Blood Money)
#Ico (Ico)
#Ikaruga (Ikaruga)
#Il2Sturmovik (Il-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey)
#JamesBond (GoldenEye 007)
#Katamari (Katamari Damacy)
#Left4Dead (Left 4 Dead)
#Lemmings (Lemmings)
#Limbo (Limbo)
#LittleBigPlanet (Little Big Planet)
#LocoRoco (LocoRoco)
#Mario (Super Mario World, Super Mario Galaxy, #MarioKart [Super Mario Kart], #WarioWare [WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania])
#MegaMan (Mega Man 2)
#MetalGear (Metal Gear Solid)
#Metroid (Super Metroid, Metroid Prime)
#MicroMachines (Micro Machines)
#MonkeyIsland (The Secret of Monkey Island)
#Myst (Myst)
#N (N)
#NiGHTS (NiGHTS Into Dreams) #NoMoreHeroes (No More Heroes)
#Oddworld (Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath)
#PacMan (Pac-Man Vs.)
#Paperboy (Paperboy)
#Peggle (Peggle)
#Picross (Picross 3D)
#PlantsVsZombies (Plants vs. Zombies)
#Pokémon (Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue)
#Portal (Portal)
#PrinceOfPersia (Prince of Persia: Sands of Time)
#PuzzleQuest (Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords)
#ResidentEvil (Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 4)
#Rez (Rez)
#RockBand (Rock Band 3)
#SensibleWorldOfSoccer (Sensible World of Soccer)
#ShadowOfTheColossus (Shadow of the Colossus)
#Shenmue (Shenmue)
#SilentHill (Silent Hill 2)
#SimCity (SimCity 2000)
#Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog CD)
#SoulCalibur (Soul Calibur)
#SpaceInvaders (Space Invaders)
#StarCraft (StarCraft)
#StarWars (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic [KOTOR])
#StreetFighter (Super Street Fighter IV)
#SuperMonkeyBall (Super Monkey Ball)
#SystemShock (System Shock 2)
#Tempest (Tempest)
#Tetris (Tetris)
#TheElderScrolls (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
#TheSims (The Sims)
#TheWorldEndsWithYou (The World Ends With You)
#TimeCrisis (Time Crisis II)
#TombRaider (Tomb Raider Anniversary)
#TomClancy (#SplinterCell [Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory])
#TonyHawk (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3)
#Uplink (Uplink)
#VibRibbon (Vib-Ribbon)
#Warcraft (World of Warcraft)
#WayOfTheSamurai (Way of the Samurai)
#WiiSports (Wii Sports)
#Worms (Worms)
#Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)