Robert Mejia, Jaime Banks, Aubrie Adams
Video games take players on a trip through ancient battlefields, to mythic worlds, and across galaxies. They provide players with a way to try on new identities and acquire vast superpowers. Video games also give people the chance to hit reset – to play again and again until they achieve a desired outcome. Their popularity has enabled them to grow far beyond their humble origins and to permeate other forms of popular culture, from comic books and graphic novels to films and television programs. Video games are universal.
In 100 Greatest Video Game Franchises, editors Robert Mejia, Jaime Banks, and Aubrie Adams have assembled essays that identify, assess, and reveal the most important video games of all-time. Each entry makes a case for the game’s cultural significance and why it deserves to be on the list, from its influence on other games to its impact on an international scale. In addition to providing information about the game developer and when the franchise was established, these entries explore the connections between the different video games, examining them across genre, theme, and content.
This accessible collection of essays gives readers an opportunity to gauge their favorite video game franchises against the best of all time and argue how they each fit among the 100 greatest ever created. Whether casually looking up information on these games or eager to learn how franchises evolved over the years, readers will enjoy this entertaining and informative volume. Comprehensive and engaging, 100 Greatest Video Game Franchises will appeal to fans and scholars alike.
English | Hardcover | | 9781442278141 | 2017 | 266 |
English | eBook | | N/A | 2017 | 266 |
Authors/Narrators: #AaronHess #AlexPLeith #AndrewBaerg #AngXu #AubrieAdams #BeatrizLegerénLago #BenjaminTriana #BrentKice #BryanGBehrenshausen #BryanHikariHartzheim #BryanJCarr #CalebTCarr #CameronBasquiat #CarlDWilson #CatherineGoodfellow #ChadMichaelWertley #CharlesEcenbarger #ChristopherBall #ChristopherJEAnderson #ConstanceSteinkuehler #DanielFandino #DanielSipocz #DalYongJin #DavidBNieborg #DennisRedmond #DerekSFelton #DinuGabrielMunteanu #DongheeYvetteWohn #EvanTorner #FannyARamirez #ForrestARule #GaspardPelurson #GeZhang #IanDerk #JaimeBanks #JakubMajewski #JamesAHodges #JamesDIvory #JamesMorgan #JaredMiracle #JaroslavŠvelch #JeffNay #JennySaucerman #JoeCruz #JohnAMcArthur #JohnVanderhoef #JonDean #JosephAFordham #JosephBailey #JosephRFanfarelli #JoshuaHMiller #KatharineHodgdon #KarenSchrier #KellyBoudreau #KevinWTaylor #KurtSquire #KyleMcClure #KyleMoody #LarsSchmeink #LucyMorris #MarkChen #MarkRJohnson #MattBarton #NicholasDavidBowman #NorahEDunbar #OlesyaVenger #PaulALucas #PeterChristiansen #PeterKudenov #RabindraARatan #RachelKowert #RobertMejia #RosaMikealMartey #RudyMcDaniel #RYagizMungan #RyanLizardi #ScottKnight #StephanieCJennings #StephenJWebley #SusanASci #TedMDickinson #WilliamGThomas #WylMcCully #ZoyanderStreet
Publishers: #RowmanAndLittlefield (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers)
Languages: #English
Format: #Hardcover #eBook
Accessibility: #TextToSpeech #ScreenReader #EnhancedTypesetting
Year: #Year2017
Genres: #Compendium
Public Figures:
#AceAttorney (Ace Attorney)
#AmericasArmy (America's Army)
#AmericanMcGeesAlice (American McGee's Alice)
#AngryBirds (Angry Birds)
#Anipang (Anipang)
#AssassinsCreed (Assassin's Creed)
#Bemani (#DDR [Dance Dance Revolution])
#BioShock (BioShock)
#Botanicula (Botanicula)
#CallOfDuty (Call of Duty)
#CandyCrush (Candy Crush Saga)
#CaptainBlood (Captain Blood)
#CarmenSandiego (Where In The World is Carmen Sandiego?)
#CaveStory (Cave Story)
#ChexQuest (Chex Quest)
#Civilization (Sid Meier's Civilization series)
#CommandAndConquer (Command & Conquer)
#DarkSouls (Dark Souls)
#DepressionQuest (Depression Quest)
#DeusEx (Deus Ex)
#DonkeyKong (Donkey Kong)
#Doom (Doom)
#DOTA (DOTA [Defense of the Ancients])
#DragonQuest (Dragon Quest)
#DragonsLair (Dragon's Lair)
#ET (E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial)
#EccoTheDolphin (Ecco the Dolphin)
#EVEOnline (EVE Online)
#Fable (Fable)
#Fallout (Fallout)
#FamilyTrainer (Family Trainer)
#FarmVille (FarmVille)
#FinalFantasy (Final Fantasy series)
#Foldit (Foldit)
#GrandTheftAuto (Grand Theft Auto series)
#GranTurismo (Gran Turismo)
#GuitarHero (Guitar Hero)
#HalfLife (Half-Life)
#Halo (Halo)
#HeavyRain (Heavy Rain)
#Ico (Ico)
#IronHelix (Iron Helix)
#JamesBond (GoldenEye 007)
#Journey (Journey)
#Katamari (Katamari Damacy)
#KingdomHearts (Kingdom Hearts)
#KingsQuest (King's Quest)
#LeagueOfLegends (League of Legends)
#Lineage (Lineage)
#Madden (Madden NFL)
#Mario (Super Mario Bros.)
#MedalOfHonor (Medal of Honor)
#MegaMan (Mega Man series)
#MetalGear (Metal Gear series)
#Minecraft (Minecraft)
#MinerWilly (Manic Miner)
#MonkeyIsland (The Secret of Monkey Island)
#MortalKombat (Mortal Kombat)
#Mother (Mother series, #Earthbound series)
#Myst (Myst)
#NightTrap (Night Trap)
#Oddworld (Oddworld series)
#PacMan (Pac-Man series)
#PapersPlease (Papers, Please)
#Pokémon (Pokémon series)
#Pong (Pong)
#Portal (Portal series)
#PrinceOfPersia (Prince of Persia series)
#ResidentEvil (Resident Evil)
#Rogue (Rogue)
#Saimazoom (Saimazoom)
#Shadowrun (Shadowrun series)
#SilentHill (Silent Hill series)
#Skylanders (Skylanders)
#Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
#Spacewar (Spacewar!)
#StarCraft (StarCraft series)
#StreetFighter (Street Fighter)
#SuperColumbineMassacreRPG (Super Columbine Massacre RPG!)
#SuperSmashBros (Super Smash Bros. series)
#Tamagotchi (Tamagotchi)
#TecmoBowl (Tecmo Bowl)
#Tetris (Tetris series)
#TheElderScrolls (The Elder Scrolls series)
#TheLastOfUs (The Last of Us)
#TheLegendOfSwordAndFairy (The Legend of Sword and Fairy)
#TheLordOfTheRings (The Hobbit)
#TheOregonTrail (The Oregon Trail)
#TheSims (The Sims)
#ThrillKill (Thrill Kill)
#TomClancy (#SplinterCell [Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell])
#TonyHawk (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series)
#Ultima (Ultima series)
#Warcraft (Warcraft series)
#Wasteland (Wasteland series)
#WiiSports (Wii Sports)
#WingCommander (Wing Commander series)
#Wolfenstein (Wolfenstein 3D)
#Zelda (The Legend of Zelda series)
#Zork (Zork)