Atila Merino Redondo, Jaume Esteve (Foreword), Angel Luis Sánchez (Cover Art)
Relive the golden age of the Spanish video game from the mouths of its protagonists!
The founders of the most important companies of The Golden Age come together in A Better Past: The Golden Age of Spanish software to bring you closer to the beginnings and evolution of the industry in those glorious years.
Dinamic , Topo Soft , Zigurat , Opera Soft , Erbe , Made in Spain , Indescomp … All of them are part of the video game legend in our country, but what is more important than the companies themselves? Without a doubt, the people who worked on them, since, after all, they are the ones who made them prosper over the years, creating the titles that we all enjoy later.
The objective of this book is, precisely, to make known those heroes who embarked on the world of videogames when the industry was still in its infancy, creating companies that became millionaires and being, in many cases, minors in the game. time to embark on an almost utopian mission.
To give shape to this volume, its author Atila Merino has been interviewing, since 2015, in a close way, some of the most influential people of the Golden Age, who have lent much of their scarce free time in the making of this book. . Their task has not been easy, as some have not granted interviews for more than 20 years.
The Ruiz brothers from Dinamic , Emilio Martínez from Topo Soft , Carlos Granados from Zigurat , Paco Suárez from Opera Soft , Paco Pastor from Erbe , Camilo Cela from Made In Spain , José Luis Domínguez from Indescomp…The bulk of the book is made up of 22 interviews, divided into fifteen founding members of the most relevant Spanish companies, three of the most notorious illustrators of that stage and four developers who were almost from the first moment in their respective companies.
This book compiles their opinions and experiences so that they are not lost in time, doing justice to people who gave everything for video games and made hundreds of thousands of children, and not so children, of an unrepeatable generation happy. .
Far from limiting themselves to responding, the interviewees themselves have provided all kinds of material, sometimes unpublished, to illustrate the pages of this work.
To this we must add the great digitization and restoration work that all kinds of photographs, covers, sketches and advertisements have gone through, restoring all its original splendor.
The cover art is the work of Ángel Luis Sánchez , cover designer at Zigurat and author of covers as emblematic as those of El Poder Darko , Jungle Warrior , or Senda Salvaje .
For his part, the prologue is in charge of the well-known author Jaume Esteve , whose work includes the two installments of Ocho Quilates , Obsequium and Promanager .
And you? Do you think there was a better past?
Spanish | Hardcover | 9788494730375 | 2019 | 192 |
Un Pasado Mejor: La Edad de Oro del software español
Authors: #AtilaMerino #AngelLuisSánchez
Publishers: #GamePress (Game Press)
Languages: #Spanish
Format: #Hardcover
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2019
#Dinamic (Dinamic)
#Erbe (Erbe)
#Indescomp (Indescomp)
#MadeInSpain (Made In Spain)
#OperaSoft (Opera Soft)
#TopoSoft (Topo Soft)
Public Figures:
#AlfonsoFernándezBorro (Alfonso Fernández Borro)
#ÁngelLuisSánchez (Ángel Luis Sánchez)
#CamiloCela (Camilo Cela)
#CarlosDíazDeCastro (Carlos Díaz de Castro)
#CarlosGranados (Carlos Granados)
#EmilioMartínezTejedor (Emilio Martínez Tejedor)
#FernandoRada (Fernando Rada)
#JorgeGranados (Jorge Granados)
#JoséAntonioMorales (José Antonio Morales)
#JoséLuisDomínguez (José Luis Domínguez (Indescomp)
#JoséManuelMuñoz (José Manuel Muñoz)
#JoséRamónFernándezMaquieira (José Ramón Fernández Maquieira)
#JuanGiménez (Juan Giménez)
#JulioMartínErro (Julio Martín Erro)
#LuisRodríguezSoler (Luis Rodríguez Soler)
#NachoRuiz (Nacho Ruiz)
#PabloRuiz (Pablo Ruiz)
#PacoPastor (Paco Pastor)
#PacoSuárez (Paco Suárez)
#PedroRuiz (Pedro Ruiz)
#RicardoMachuca (Ricardo Machuca)
#VictorRuiz (Víctor Ruiz)