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Kurt Kalata, Stephanie Sybydlo (Cover Art)


Welcome to the world of Japanese Role-Playing Games!

Video role-playing games, adapted for computers from their pen-and-paper forebears, have been around since the earliest days of digital gaming. Despite initial similarities to Western games, Japan’s output began diverging in dramatic ways, inspired by its own culture and art, producing a style of game that’s often wildly different from its Western counterpart. From Dragon Quest to Final Fantasy, from Megami Tensei to Pokémon, A Guide to Japanese Role-Playing Games explores the expansive history of Japanese role-playing games, beginning on 8-bit microcomputers, and following them all the way up to the heavy hitters of the modern era.

Created in collaboration with author Kurt Kalata, A Guide to Japanese Role-Playing Games is an ambitious project that aims to cover the entire history of Japanese role-playing games from 1982 to 2020. As well as reviews of over 600 games, covering a wide range of sub-genres, including strategy RPGs like Fire Emblem, Rogue-likes such as Mystery Dungeon, and first-person dungeon crawlers like Etrian Odyssey, it includes articles on the genre, its music and art. Overall, the book weighs in at over 370,000 words and contains contributions from a wide selection of fans and journalists, combining to create the ultimate coffee table book on Japanese role-playing games.

A Guide to Japanese Role-Playing Games is 652 pages in length (our largest book to date) and comes in hardback as standard. The cover features a specially created piece of artwork by Stephanie Sybydlo, which is finished with special pantone inks and metallic silver foil details. Each divider within the book also features a specially created ‘overworld map’ by the guys at Army of Trolls. As with all our books, we use thread-sewn binding for extra durability and print lithographically on high-quality paper to showcase the gorgeous visuals as they deserve.

Let the adventure commence!
















Publishers: #BitmapBooks (Bitmap Books)

Languages: #English

Format: #Hardcover

Accessibility: N/A

Year: #Year2021


#6EyesStudio (6 Eyes Studio)

#AirshipSyndicate (Airship Syndicate)

#AliceSoft (Alice Soft)

#AlphaDream (AlphaDream)

#Artdink (Artdink)

#Artec (Artec)

#AtelierDouble (Atelier Double)


#AWitchsTale (A Witch's Tale [Witch Tale: The Apprentice Witch and the Seven Princesses, ウィッチテイル 見習い魔女と7人の姫])

#BioWare (BioWare)

#Bothtec (Bothtec)

#BrainGrey (Brain Grey)

#Brandish (Brandish)

#BulletProofSoftware (Bullet-Proof Software)

#Capcom (Capcom)

#Compaq (Compaq)

#Cosmos (Cosmos)

#CreaTech (Crea-Tech)

#DataEast (Data East)

#DiganNoMaseki (Digan No Maseki)

#EA (EA, Electronic Arts Redwood Shores)

#Enix (Enix)

#Falcom (Falcom)

#Forest (Forest)

#FromSoftware (FromSoftware)

#FugenElectronics (Fugen Electronics)

#FunProject (Fun Project)

#GameArts (Game Arts)

#GArtists (G-Artists)

#Glodia (Glodia)

#Gust (Gust)

#Hect (Hect)

#HotB (Hot-B)

#HudsonSoft (Hudson Soft)

#Hulinks (Hulinks)

#HummingBirdSoft (HummingBirdSoft)

#IntelligentSystems (Intelligent Systems)

#JapanArtMedia (Japan Art Media)

#Koei (Koei)

#Kogado (Kogado)

#Konami (Konami)

#LoveDeLic (Love-de-Lic)

#MagicalZoo (Magical Zoo)

#MediaVision (Media.Vision)

#MicroCabin (Micro Cabin)

#Mindware (Mindware)

#MonolithSoft (Monolith Soft)

#Namco (Namco)

#Nautilus (Nautilus)

#Neverland (Neverland)

#Nintendo (Nintendo)

#NipponIchi (Nippon Ichi, NIS America)

#OnionGames (Onion Games)

#PaxSoftnica (Pax Softnica)

#PonyCanyon (Pony Canyon)

#RandomHouseDEV (Random House)

#RedEntertainment (Red Entertainment)

#RightStuff (Right Stuff)

#RiverhillSoft (Riverhill Soft)

#Sacnoth (Sacnoth)

#Sega (Sega)

#SeinSoft (Sein Soft)

#Shambalah (Shambalah)

#Sony (Sony)

#SpiralHouse (Spiral House)

#SquareEnix (Square, Squaresoft, Square Enix)

#StarcraftDEV (Starcraft)

#StudioAlex (Studio Alex)

#SugarRockets (Sugar & Rockets)

#SystemSacom (System Sacom)

#SystemSoft (SystemSoft)

#TechnoQuest (Techno Quest)

#Tecmo (Tecmo)

#Telenet (Telenet)

#TESoft (T&E Soft)

#triAce (tri-Ace)

#Winkysoft (Winkysoft)

#WolfTeam (Wolf Team)

#XtalSoft (XtalSoft)

#Zatsoft (Zatsoft)

Public Figures:

#KaseyOzymy (Kasey Ozymy)

#TobyFox (Toby Fox)


#3DDotGameHeroes (3D Dot Game Heroes)

#7thDragon (7th Dragon)

#AlbertOdyssey (Albert Odyssey, Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean)

#Alcahest (Alcahest [アルカエスト])

#Alshark (Alshark)

#Alundra (Alundra [アランドラ])

#AmericanDream (American Dream [アメリカンドリーム])

#Anachronax (Anachronax)

#AncientRoman (Ancient Roman)

#Arcus (Arcus [アークス], Arcus II: Silent Symphony [アークスII サイレントシンフォニー], Arcus III [アークスIII], Arcus Odyssey [アークス・オデッセイ, アークス・スピリッツ], Arcus X [ヴァリスX])

#ArabianNights (Arabian Nights)

#ArcRiseFantasia (Arc Rise Fantasia)

#Arcana (Arcana)

#Arcus (Arcus series)

#Aretha (Aretha series)

#Argo (Argo)

#Arfgaldt (Arfgaldt)

#Artonelico (Ar tonelico series)

#ASHArchaicSealedHeat (ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat)

#Aspic (Aspic)

#Atelier (Atelier series)

#AvalonCode (Avalon Code)

#AzureDreams (Azure Dreams)

#BabylonianCastleSaga (The Tower of Druaga [ドルアーガの塔], The Return To Ishtar [イシターの復活], The Quest of Ki [カイの冒険], The Blue Crystal Rod [ザ・ブルークリスタルロッド], The Nightmare of Druaga: Fushigi no Dungeon [ザ・ナイトメア・オブ・ドルアーガ 不思議のダンジョン])

#BahamutLagoon (Bahamut Lagoon)

#BarkleyShutUpAndJam (Barkley, Shut Up And Jam: Gaiden)

#Baroque (Baroque)

#BatenKaitos (Baten Kaitos series)

#BattleChasers (Battle Chasers: Nigthwar)

#Bealphareth (Bealphareth)

#BeyondOasis (Beyond Oasis)

#BeyondTheBeyond (Beyond the Beyond)

#BlackMatrix (Black/Matrix [ブラックマトリクス])

#BlackSigil (Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled)

#BlueDragon (Blue Dragon)

#BlueReflection (Blue Reflection)

#BodyconQuest (Bodycon Quest I, Bodycon Quest II)

#Boktai (Boktai series)

#BreathOfFire (Breath of Fire series)

#ChikyuuSenshiRayieza (Chikyuu Senshi Rayieza [地球戦士ライーザ, Ginga no Sannin, 銀河の三人]

#ChiteiTanken (Chitei Tanken)

#Chrono (Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross)

#CosmicSoldier (Cosmic Soldier [コズミックソルジャー], Psychic War: Cosmic Soldier 2 [サイキックウォーコズミックソルジャー])

#CourageousPersues (Courageous Perseus)

#CruiseChaserBlassty (Cruise Chaser Blassty [クルーズチェイサー ブラスティー])

#CrystalWarriors (Crystal Warriors [アーリエル クリスタル伝説, Ariel: Crystal Densetsu, Ariel: Crystal Legend], Royal Stone)

#CurseOfBabylon (Curse of Babylon)

#DanchizumaNoYuuwaku (Danchizuma No Yuuwaku)

#DarkSouls (Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls III, Bloodborne, Sekiro)

#DeptHeaven (Riviera: The Promised Land [リヴィエラ ~約束の地リヴィエラ~])

#DestinyOfAnEmperor (Destiny of an Emperor series)

#DragonLair (Dragon Lair)

#DragonQuest (Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest II, Dragon Quest III, Dragon Quest IV, Dragon Quest V, Dragon Quest VI, Dragon Quest VII, Dragon Quest VIII, Dragon Quest IX, Dragon Quest X, Dragon Quest XI, Dragon Quest Builders series, Dragon Quest Monsters series)

#DragonSlayer (Dragon Slayer, Romancia, Legacy of the Wizard, Sorcerian, Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes, #Xanadu [Xanadu, The Legend of Xanadu, Xanadu Next, Tokyo Xanadu])

#Dungeon (Dungeon)

#EmeraldDragon (Emerald Dragon [エメラルドドラゴン])

#EsperDream (Esper Dream, Esper Dream 2)

#EVO (46 Okunen Monogatari: The Shinka Ron [46億年物語 -THE 進化論], E.V.O.: Search for Eden [46 Okunen Monogatari: Harukanaru Eden, 46億年物語 はるかなるエデンへ]

#ExistArchive (Exist Archive)

#Exlie (XZR: Idols of Apostate [XZR: Hakai no Gōzō, エグザイル 破戒の偶像], XZR II: Toki no Hazama ni [エグザイルII 時の狭間に, When Trapped Between, Exile], Exile: Wicked Phenomenon [Exile: Janen no Jishō, エグザイル 2 邪念の事象, Phenomenon of Evil])

#FinalFantasy (Final Fantasy series, World of Final Fantasy)

#FireEmblem (Fire Emblem series, Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE)

#FullSeal (Full Seal: Arbiter's Mark)

#Gage (Gage)

#Gandhara (Gandhara: Buddha no Seisen)

#GansoSaiyuuki (Ganso Saiyuuki: Super Monkey Daibouken)

#GenesisBeyondTheRevelation (Genesis: Beyond the Revelation)

#GenmaTaisen (Genma Taisen)

#Goemon (Ganbare Goemon Gaiden series)

#Grandia (Grandia series)

#hack (.hack//INFECTION, .hack//MUTATION, .hack//OUTBREAK, .hack//QUARANTINE, .hack//G.U.)

#HeraclesNoEikou (Heracles no Eikou)

#Hiouden (Hiouden)

#HoshiWoMiruHito (Hoshi wo Miru Hito)

#Hydlide (Hydlide [ハイドライド], Hydlide II: Shine of Darkness [ハイドライドII], Hydlide 3: The Space Memories [Super Hydlide, ハイドライド3 異次元の思い出], Virtual Hydlide [ヴァーチャルハイドライド])

#IllusionCity (Illusion City)

#InfiniteUndiscovery (Infinite Undiscovery)

#JimmyAndThePulsatingMass (Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass)

#KenToMahou (Ken to Mahou)

#KhufuOuNoHimitsu (Khufu-Ou no Himitsu)

#Koudelka (Koudelka)

#KumdorNoKen (Kumdor no Ken)

#KuroNoKen (Kuro no Ken)

#LadySword (Lady Sword: Ryakudatsu Sareta 10 Nin no Otome [レディソード 略奪された10人の乙女, Lady Sword: The 10 Captive Maidens])

#LagrangePoint (Lagrange Point)

#LaplaceNoMa (Laplace no Ma)

#LastArmageddon (Last Armageddon [ラストハルマゲドン], After Armageddon Gaiden: Majuu Toushouden Eclipse [アフターハルマゲドン外伝 魔獣闘将伝エクリプス])

#LegacyOfTheWizard (Legacy of the Wizard)

#Legaia (Legaia series)

#LibrosDeChilamBalam (Libros de Chilam Balam)

#Lizard (Lizard, Aspic)

#LostKingdoms (Lost Kingdoms series)

#LostPower (Lost Power)

#Lufia (Lufia and the Fortress of Doom, Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals, Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals, Lufia: The Legend Returns, Lufia: The Ruins of Lore)

#Lunar (Lunar series)

#LunaticDawn (Lunatic Dawn)

#Mana (Mana series, Trials of Mana)

#MärchenVeil (Märchen Veil)

#Mario (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, #PaperMario [Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door], #MarioAndLuigi [Mario & Luigi series])

#MarlKingdom (Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure [The Puppet Princess of Marl Kingdom, マール王国の人形姫], Marl Kingdom series, Tenshi no Present: Marl Ōkoku Monogatari [天使のプレゼント マール王国物語])

#MegaMan (Mega Man: Battle Network, Mega Man Star Forces series)

#MegamiTensei (Megami Tensei, Shin Megami Tensei, Shin Megami Tensei if..., Shin Megami Tensei II, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, Shin Megami Tensei NINE, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner, Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, Shin Megami Tensei: Raidou Kuzunoha, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, #Persona [Persona, Persona 2: Innocent Sin/Eternal Punishment, Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5, Persona Q series], Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE)

#MetalMax (Metal Max series)

#Minelvaton (Minelvaton Saga: Ragon no Fukkatsu [ミネルバトンサーガ ラゴンの復活], Silva Saga [シルヴァ・サーガ], Silva Saga II: The Legend of Light and Darkness [シルヴァ・サーガ2])

#MiracleWarriors (Miracle Warriors: Seal of the Dark Lord [Haja no Fūin, 覇邪の封印], Wings of Arugisu [Algies no Tsubasa, アルギースの翼])

#MoonRemixRPGAdventure (Moon: Remix RPG Adventure)

#Mother (Mother, #Earthbound [Earthbound], Mother 3)

#MouryouSenkiMadara (Mouryou Senki Madara series)

#MugenNoShinzou (Mugen No Shinzou [夢幻の心臓], Mugen No Shinzou II [夢幻の心臓II], Mugen No Shinzou III [夢幻の心臓III])

#NightsOfAzure (Nights of Azure)

#OrandaTsuma (Oranda Tsuma wa Denki Unagi no Yume o Miru ka?)

#Paladin (Paladin)

#PaladinsQuest (Paladin's Quest [Lennus: Kodai Kikai no Kioku, レナス 古代機械の記憶, Lennus: Memories of an Ancient Machine])

#PandorasTower (Pandora's Tower [パンドラの塔 君のもとへ帰るまで])

#PanoramaTou (Panorama Tou)

#PanzerDragoon (Panzer Dragoon Saga)

#ParasiteEve (Parasite Eve)

#PhantasyStar (Phantasy Star, Phantasy Star II, Phantasy Star III, Phantasy Star IV, Phantasy Star Gaiden, Phantasy Star Online)

#PhantomBrave (Phantom Brave [ファントム・ブレイブ])

#PierSolar (Pier Solar and the Great Architects)

#Poibos (Poibos)

#Pokémon (Pokémon series, Pokémon Conquest)

#PopfulMail (Popful Mail)

#Popolocrois (Popolocrois series)

#PrincessCrown [Princess Crown [プリンセスクラウン])

#PrincessMinerva (Princess Minerva [プリンセス・ミネルバ])

#ProjectXZone (Project X Zone [プロジェクト クロスゾーン])

#PsychicCity (Psychic City, Kaleidoscope)

#Quest64 (Quest 64)

#RacingLagoon (Racing Lagoon [レーシングラグーン])

#RadiantHistoria (Radiant Historia [ラジアントヒストリア])

#RadiaSenki (Radia Senki: Reimeihen [ラディア戦記 — 黎明篇 —, Chronicle of the Radia War: Dawn Volume, Record of Radia War])

#RadiataStories (Radiata Stories [ラジアータ ストーリーズ])

#Rance (Rance)

#Recettear (Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale [RECETTEAR〜アイテム屋さんのはじめ方〜, Rusettia – Aitemu-ya-san no Hajimekata, Recettear: How to Start an Item Shop])

#RecordOfAgarestWar (Record of Agarest War [アガレスト戦記, Agaresuto Senki, Agarest: Generations of War])

#RecordOfLodossWar (Record of Lodoss War)

#Relics (Relics)

#RentAHeroNo1 (Rent a Hero No. 1 [レンタヒーローNo.1])

#ResonanceOfFate (Resonance of Fate)

#Riglas (Riglas [リグラス])

#Robopon (Robopon Sun, Star and Moon Versions [Robot Ponkottsu, ロボットポンコッツ])

#Robotrek (Robotrek [Slapstick, スラップスティック])

#RogueGalaxy (Rogue Galaxy [ローグギャラクシ])

#RondoOfSwords (Rondo of Swords [Rondo of Deception, 偽りの輪舞曲])

#RuneFactory (Rune Factory series)

#RuneWorth (Rune Worth: Kokui no Kikoushi [ルーンワース 黒衣の貴公子], Rune Worth 2: Jikuu no Shinsen [ルーンワース2 時空の神戦], Rune Worth 3: Shinseiki Kourin [ルーンワース3 神聖紀光臨])

#RyuukiHeidanDanzarb (Ryuuki Heidan: Danzarb)

#SaGa (SaGa Frontier, SaGa Frontier II, SaGa: Scarlet Grace, Unlimited SaGa, Romancing SaGa, Romancing SaGa 2, Romancing SaGa 3)

#SailorMoon (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story)

#Saiyuki (Saiyuki: Journey West)

#SakuraWars (Sakura Wars series)

#SamuraiMech (Samurai Mech)

#SamuraiShodown (Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits Bushidō Retsuden [真説 サムライ スピリッツ 武士道烈伝, Definitive Samurai Spirits: Tales of the Bushido, Samurai Shodown RPG, Samurai Spirits: True Legends of Furious Bushido RPG])

#SandsOfDestruction (Sands of Destruction [ワールド・デストラクション~導かれし意思~, Wārudo Desutorakushon ~Michibikareshi Ishi~, World Destruction: Guided Wills])

#SansaraNaga (Sansara Naga [サンサーラ・ナーガ])

#SatomiNoNazo (Satomi no Nazo [里見の謎])

#SecretOfEvermore (Secret of Evermore)

#SecretOfTheStars (Secret of the Stars [Aqutallion, アクタリオン])

#SeiyaMonogatari (Seiya Monogatari: Anearth Fantasy Stories [聖夜物語])

#SepterraCore (Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator)

#ShadowBrain (Shadow Brain)

#ShadowHearts (Shadow Hearts, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, Shadow Hearts: From The New World)

#ShadowMadness (Shadow Madness)

#Shadowrun (Shadowrun)

#Shining (Shining series, Shining Force series, Shining in the Darkness, Shining the Holy Ark)

#SigmaHarmonics (Sigma Harmonics [シグマ・ハーモニクス])

#Silver (Silver)

#SilverGhost (Silver Ghost [シルバー・ゴースト])

#Silviana (Silviana: Ai Ippai no Little Angel [シルヴィアーナ 愛いっぱいの冒険者])

#SkiesOfArcadia (Skies of Arcadia [Eternal Arcadia, エターナルアルカディア])

#Slayers (Slayers)

#Snatcher (SD Snatcher [SDスナッチャー])

#SolidRunner (Solid Runner [ソリッドランナー])

#SolTrigger (Sol Trigger [ソールトリガ])

#SomaBringer (Soma Bringer [ソーマブリンガー])

#Sonic (Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood)

#SoulBlazer (Soul Blazer)

#SoulNomadAndTheWorldEaters (Soul Nomad and the World Eaters [Soul Cradle: World Eaters, ソウルクレイドル 世界を喰らう者])

#SpyDaisakusen (Spy Daisakusen [スパイ大作戦])

#StarOcean (Star Ocean, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness)

#StarOdyssey (Star Odyssey [Blue Almanac, ブルーアルマナック])

#StellaDeus (Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity [ステラデウス])

#StellaGlow (Stella Glow)

#StrangerOfSwordCity (Stranger of Sword City [剣の街の異邦人])

#Sudeki (Sudeki)

#Suikoden (Suikoden, Suikoden II, Suikoden III, Suikoden IV, Suikoden Tactics, Suikoden Tierkreis, Suikoden V)

#Suiryuushi (Suiryuushi series)

#SuperChinese (Super Chinese [スーパーチャイニーズ])

#SuperRobotWars (Super Robot Wars series, Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier)

#SurgingAura (Surging Aura [サージングオーラ])

#SusanoOh (Susano Oh Densetsu [凄ノ王伝説])

#SweetHome (Sweet Home)

#SwordOfVermilion (Sword of Vermilion)

#SwordWorld (Sword World series)

#SylvanTale (Sylvan Tale [シルヴァン テイル])

#TacticsOgre (Tactics Ogre series)

#Tales (Tales of Berseria, Tales of Destiny series, Tales of Eternia, Tales of Graces, Tales of Legendia, Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Rebirth, Tales of Symphonia series, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Vesperia, Tales of Xillia, Tales of Xillia 2, Tales of Zestiria)

#TaoTheWay (Tao: The Way)

#TearRingSaga (Tear Ring Saga: Chronicles of War Hero Yutona [ティアリングサーガ ユトナ英雄戦記])

#TengaiMakyou (Tengai Makyou series)

#TenshiNoUta (Tenshi no Uta, Tenshi no Uta II: Datenshi no Sentaku, Tenshi no Uta: Shiroki Tsubasa no Inori)

#Terranigma (Terranigma)

#TerraPhantastica (Terra Phantastica [テラ ファンタスティカ)]

#The7thSaga (The 7th Saga)

#TheAllianceAlive (The Alliance Alive [アライアンス・アライブ])

#TheBattleOfOlympus (The Battle of Olympus)

#TheBlackOnyx (The Black Onyx [ザ・ブラックオニキス], Super Black Onyx [スーパーブラックオニキス], The Fire Crystal [ザ・ファイアクリスタル], Arena [アリーナ])

#TheDragonAndPrincess (The Dragon & Princess)

#TheLegendOfHeroes (The Legend of Heroes, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel)

#TheLegendOfNayuta (The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails)

#TheLordOfTheRings (The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age)

#TheScreamer (The Screamer)

#TheSwordOfHope (The Sword of Hope [Selection: Erabareshi Mono ,セレクション 選ばれし者])

#TheTwistedTalesOfSpikeMcFang (The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang)

#TheWizardOfOz (The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road)

#ThousandArms (Thousand Arms)

#ThreadsOfFate (Threads of Fate [デュープリズム])

#TimeAndEternity (Time and Eternity [Toki to Eien ~Toki Towa~, 時と永遠〜トキトワ〜])

#TimeStalkers (Time Stalkers)

#TirNaNog (Tir-Na-Nog: Kindan no Tou [ティル・ナ・ノーグ 禁断の塔], Tir-Na-Nóg II: Chaos No Keishou [ティル・ナ・ノーグII カオスの警鐘], Bretonne Lais [ブルトン・レイ])

#TokyoShanghaiKowloonIsland (Tokyo, Shanghai, Kowloon Island)

#TomatoAdventure (Tomato Adventure)

#TomSawyer (Tom Sawyer)

#ToushinToshi (Toushin Toshi)

#TreasureHunterG (Treasure Hunter G [トレジャーハンターG])

#TreastureOfTheRudras (Treasure of the Rudras [ルドラの秘宝])

#Tritorn (Tritorn)

#TsugunaiAtonement (Tsugunai: Atonement)

#TwinBee (TwinBee RPG)

#Undertale (Undertale)

#Utawarerumono (Utawarerumono [うたわれるもの])

#ValkyriaChronicles (Valkyria Chronicles series)

#Valkyrie ([Valkyrie no Bōken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu [ワルキューレの冒険 時の鍵伝説])

#ValkyrieProfile (Valkyrie Profile, Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria)

#VandalHearts (Vandal Hearts series)

#VanguardBandits (Vanguard Bandits)

#Vay (Vay)

#Volfoss (Volfoss [ボルフォス])

#Wachenröder (Wachenröder)

#WarOfTheDead (War of the Dead series)

#WhiteKnightChronicles (White Knight Chronicles)

#WildArms (Wild Arms, Wild Arms 2, Wild Arms 3, Wild Arms 4, Wild Arms 5, Wild Arms XF, Wild Arms: Alter Code F)

#Willow (Willow)

#WindsSeed (Wind's Seed)

#Wizardry (Wizardry series)

#WordsWorth (Words Worth [ワーズ・ワース])

#WorldCourt (Pro Tennis: World Court [World Court Tennis])

#Xak (Xak: The Art of Visual Stage [サーク], Xak II: Rising of the Redmoon [サークII], Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence [サークIII])

#Xeno (Xenogears, Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht, Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse, Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra, Xenoblade Chronicles, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X)

#XerdNoDensetsu (Xerd no Densetsu [ザードの伝説])

#Yakuza (Yakuza series)

#YggdraUnion (Yggdra Union [ユグドラ・ユニオン])

#YokaiWatch (Yo-kai Watch series)

#YumeMeikyuu (Yume Meikyuu: Kigurumi Daibouken)

#Ys (Ys Book I & II, Ys III [Ys: The Oath in Felghana], Ys IV [Ys: Memories of Celceta], Ys V: Ushinawareta Suna no Miyako Kefin, Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim, Ys Origin, Ys Seven, Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, Ys IX: Monstrum Nox)

#ZankiZero (Zanki Zero: Last Beginning [ザンキゼロ])

#Zavas (Zavas [サバッシュ], Zavas II: The Prophecy of Mehitae [サバッシュII メヒテの大予言])

#Zeliard (Zeliard)

#ZHP (Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman [Absolute Hero Modding Project, 絶対ヒーロー改造計画]

#ZillOll (Zill O'll [Zill O'll ~infinite~, ジルオール])

#Zwei (Zwei: The Arges Adventure [Zwei!! ツヴァイ!!, Tsuvai!!), Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection [Zwei II, ツヴァイ 2, Tsuvai 2])




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