Simon Parkin
Whether you are playing as a supersonic hedgehog, an athletic archeologist, or a moustachioed Italian plumber, video games allow their players to inhabit spaces where the usual parameters of
existence do not apply. The medium’s history is chronicled through the individual stories of 151 of the most iconic video games. Beginning in the early 1970s, the book charts five decades of the pixel revolution. The story of each game is accompanied by trivia and quotations, and illustrated with photographs, screenshots and artwork. This celebratory reference and history, newly updated, will enthrall any video games aficionado.
English | Hardcover | 9780754823902 | 2014 | 256 |
Authors: #SimonParkin
Publishers: #LorenzBooks (Lorenz Books)
Languages: #English
Format: #Hardcover
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2014
Genres: #Compendium
Public Figures: N/A
Games: #AdvanceWars (Advance Wars)
#Adventure (Adventure)
#AngryBirds (Angry Birds)
#AnimalCrossing (Animal Crossing)
#AnotherWorld (Another World)
#Asteroids (Asteroids)
#Bejeweled (Bejeweled Deluxe)
#Bemani (#DDR [Dance Dance Revolution])
#Bioshock (Bioshock)
#Bomberman (Bomberman)
#Braid (Braid)
#BrainTraining (Brain Training)
#BushidoBlade (Bushido Blade)
#CallOfDuty (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)
#Castlevania (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
#Civilization (Civilization IV)
#CommandAndConquer (Command & Conquer)
#ComputerSpace (Computer Space)
#Crackdown (Crackdown)
#CrazyTaxi (Crazy Taxi)
#DarkSouls (Demon's Souls, Dark Souls)
#Defender (Defender)
#DesktopTowerDefense (Desktop Tower Defense)
#DeusEx (Deus Ex)
#DevilMayCry (Devil May Cry)
#Diablo (Diablo)
#Disgaea (Disgaea: Hour of Darkness)
#DonkeyKong (Donkey Kong)
#Doom (Doom)
#DragonQuest (Dragon Quest)
#DragonsLair (Dragon's Lair)
#DuckHunt (Duck Hunt)
#Elite (Elite)
#EVEOnline (EVE Online)
#ET (E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial)
#Fallout (Fallout)
#FarCry (Far Cry 2)
#Fez (Fez)
#FIFA (FIFA International Soccer)
#FinalFantasy (#FinalFantasyI [Final Fantasy 1, FF1, FFI, Final Fantasy I], #FinalFantasyV [Final Fantasy 5, FF5, FFV, Final Fantasy V], #FinalFantasyVII [Final Fantasy 7, FF7, FFVII, Final Fantasy VII], #FinalFantasyXI [Final Fantasy 11, FF11, FFXI, Final Fantasy XI] #FinalFantasyTactics [Final Fantasy Tactics])
#FireEmblem (Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light [ファイアーエムブレム 暗黒竜と光の剣])
#Flower (Flower)
#Galaxian (Galaxian)
#Gauntlet (Gauntlet)
#GearsOfWar (Gears of War)
#GeometryWars (Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved)
#GhostsNGoblins (Ghouls 'n Ghosts)
#GodOfWar (God of War)
#GrandTheftAuto (Grand Theft Auto III)
#GranTrak10 (Gran Trak 10)
#GranTurismo (Gran Turismo)
#GuitarHero (Guitar Hero)
#GunstarHeroes (Gunstar Heroes)
#HalfLife (Half-Life, Half-Life 2, #CounterStrike [Counter-Strike])
#Halo (Halo: Combat Evolved)
#HardDrivin (Hard Drivin')
#Ico (Ico)
#InternationalSuperstarSoccer (International Superstar Soccer Pro)
#JamesBond (GoldenEye 007)
#Journey (Journey)
#Katamari (Katamari Damacy)
#Killer7 (Killer7)
#KingdomHearts (Kingdom Hearts)
#LEGO (LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game)
#Lemmings (Lemmings)
#LittleBigPlanet (LittleBigPlanet)
#Madden (John Madden Football)
#Manhunt (Manhunt)
#ManiacMansion (Maniac Mansion)
#MarbleMadness (Marble Madness)
#Mario (Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World, Super Mario Galaxy, #MarioKart [Super Mario Kart], Super Mario RPG, Super Mario 64, #WarioWare [WarioWare Inc: Mgga Microgames!])
#Meridian59 (Meridian 59)
#MetalGear (Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid)
#Metroid (Super Metroid)
#Minecraft (Minecraft)
#MissileCommand (Missile Command)
#MonkeyIsland (The Secret of Monkey Island)
#MonsterHunter (Monster Hunter Freedom)
#MortalKombat (Mortal Kombat)
#Myst (Myst)
#NeverwinterNights (Neverwinter Nights)
#NightDriver (Night Driver)
#NiGHTS (NiGHTS Into Dreams)
#Nintendogs (Nintendogs)
#PacMan (Pac-Man)
#PaRappaTheRapper (PaRappa the Rapper)
#Peggle (Peggle)
#PhantasyStar (Phantasy Star Online)
#Pokémon (Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue)
#Pong (Pong)
#Populous (Populous)
#Portal (Portal)
#PrinceOfPersia (Prince of Persia)
#Quake (Quake)
#RedDead (Red Dead Redemption)
#ResidentEvil (Resident Evil, Resident Evil 4) #Rez (Rez)
#RidgeRacer (Ridge Racer)
#Robotron (Robotron 2084)
#RType (R-Type)
#SeaWolf (Sea Wolf)
#SegaRallyChampionship (Sega Rally Championship)
#SensibleSoccer (Sensible World of Soccer)
#Shenmue (Shenmue)
#SimCity (SimCity)
#Skate (Skate)
#Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
#SpaceInvaders (Space Invaders)
#StarWars (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic [KOTOR], LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game)
#StreetFighter (Street Fighter, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter IV)
#SuperMonkeyBall (Super Monkey Ball)
#SuperSmashBros (Super Smash Bros.)
#Tetris (Tetris)
#TheBlackOnyx (The Black Onyx)
#TheElderScrolls (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
#ThemePark (Theme Park)
#TheSims (The Sims)
#TheWayOfTheExplodingFist (The Way of the Exploding Fist)
#TombRaider (Tomb Raider)
#TomClancy (#SplinterCell [Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell])
#TonyHawk (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater)
#Ultima (Ultima Online)
#Uncharted (Uncharted 2: Among Thieves)
#VirtuaFighter (Virtua Fighter)
#VirtuaTennis (Virtua Tennis)
#Warcraft (World of Warcraft)
#Warrior (Warrior)
#WiiSports (Wii Sports)
#Wipeout (Wipeout)
#Wolfenstein (Wolfenstein 3D)
#Zelda (The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
#Atari2600 (Atari 2600 [Atari VCS])
#AtariJaguar (Atari Jaguar)
#C64 (Commodore 64 [C64])
#Dreamcast (Sega Dreamcast)
#GameBoy (Nintendo Game Boy)
#Gamecube (Nintendo Gamecube)
#MagnavoxOdyssey (Magnavox Odyssey)
#MasterSystem (Sega Master System)
#MegaDrive (Sega Mega Drive)
#N64 (N64, Nintendo 64)
#NES (NES, Nintendo Entertainment System, Famicom)
#NintendoDS (Nintendo DS)
#PCEngine (PC Engine)
#PlayStation (PlayStation, PS1, PS2, PS3 PSP)
#SegaSaturn (Sega Saturn)
#SG1000 (SG1000)
#SNES (SNES, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Famicom)
#Vectrex (Vectrex)
#VirtualBoy (Virtual Boy)
#Wii (Nintendo Wii)
#Xbox (Xbox, Xbox 360)
#ZXSpectrum (ZX Spectrum)