Casey Loe
Established in 1983, Capcom is one of the world's most well-known video game publishers and is recognized for creating many important game franchises, such as Mega Man, Resident Evil, and Street Fighter.
Full of facts, statistics, and historical information, the Capcom 30th Anniversary Character Encyclopedia will offer any fan of Capcom's illustrious library of video games insight and background for all of their favorite characters and video game series. The Capcom 30th Anniversary Character Encyclopedia celebrates Capcom's 30 years in the industry and gives fans concise information about every major Capcom character, their key artwork, statistics, background information, and interesting notes on the history of each character and game franchise. Including almost 200 characters from the Capcom family, this Character Encyclopedia sheds new light on these characters in a way nothing else does!
English | Hardcover | 9781465414588 | 2013 | 208 |
Authors/Narrators: #CaseyLoe
Publishers: #BradyGames (Brady Games)
Languages: #English
Format: #Hardcover
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2013
Genres: #Compendium
#Capcom (Capcom)
Public Figures:
#1943TheBattleOfMidway (1942, 1943: The Battle of Midway, 1943 Kai)
#AceAttorney (Ace Attorney series)
#AsurasWrath (Asura's Wrath)
#Avengers (Avengers)
#BattleCircuit (Battle Circuit)
#BionicCommando (Bionic Commando)
#BlackTiger (Black Tiger)
#BreathOfFire (Breath of Fire)
#BusterBros (Super Buster Bros. [Super Pang スーパーパン])
#CapcomFightingEvolution (Capcom Fighting Evolution [Capcom Fighting Jam カプコン ファイティング ジャム])
#CaptainCommando (Captain Commando)
#ChaosLegion (Chaos Legion)
#Commando (Commando)
#Cyberbots (Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness)
#Darkstalkers (Darkstalkers)
#DeadRising (Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2)
#DevilMayCry (Devil May Cry)
#DinoCrisis (Dino Crisis, Dino Crisis 2, Dino Crisis 3, Dino Stalker [Gun Survivor 3: Dino Crisis ガンサバイバー3 ディノクライシス])
#DragonsDogma (Dragon's Dogma)
#FinalFight (Final Fight)
#ForgottenWorlds (Forgotten Worlds)
#GhostsNGoblins (Ghosts 'n Goblins, #GargoylesQuest [Gargoyles Quest II])
#GhostTrick (Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective)
#GodHand (God Hand)
#GotchaForce (Gotcha Force)
#GunSmoke (Gun.Smoke)
#HauntingGround (Haunting Ground)
#HyperDyneSideArms (Hyper Dyne Side Arms サイドアーム)
#Killer7 (Killer7)
#KnightsOfTheRound (Knights of the Round)
#LegendaryWings (Legendary Wings)
#LostPlanet (Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, Lost Planet 2, Lost Planet 3)
#MagicSword (Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy)
#MegaMan (Mega Man series, Mega Man X series, Mega Man ZX series, Mega Man Starforce series, Mega Man Battle Network series, Mega Man Legends series)
#MegaTwins (Mega Twins [Chiki Chiki Boys チキチキボーイズ])
#Mercs (Mercs)
#MonsterHunter (Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate)
#Ōkami (Ōkami, Ōkamiden)
#OnePiece (One Piece Mansion ワンピースマンション)
#Onimusha (Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams)
#PirateShipHigemaru (Pirate Ship Higemaru ひげ丸)
#PN03 (P.N.03 [Product Number Three])
#PowerStone (Power Stone)
#QuizNanairoDreams (Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiiro-chō no Kiseki クイズなないろDREAMS 虹色町の奇跡)
#RedEarth (Red Earth [War-Zard ウォーザード])
#RememberMe (Remember Me)
#ResidentEvil (Resident Evil series)
#RivalSchools (Rival Schools: United By Fate)
#SavageBees (Savage Bees [Super Floating Fortress Exed Exes 超浮遊要塞エグゼドエグゼ])
#SectionZ (Section Z)
#SengokuBASARA (Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes [戦国BASARA 3])
#ShadowOfRome (Shadow of Rome)
#SonSon (SonSon ソンソン)
#StarGladiator (Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein [Star Gladiator 2: Nightmare of Bilstein スターグラディエイター2 ナイトメア オブ ビルシュタイン])
#SteelBatallion (Steel Batallion)
#StreetFighter (Street Fighter series, #PocketFighter [Pocket Fighter series])
#Strider (Strider)
#TheKingOfDragons (The King of Dragons)
#TheSpeedRumbler (The Speed Rumbler [Rush & Crash ラッシュ アンド クラッシュ])
#ThreeWonders (#MidnightWanderers [Midnight Wanderers: Quest For The Chariot])
#Trojan (Trojan)
#UnderTheSkin (Under the Skin)
#Varth (Varth: Operation Thunderstorm)
#ViewtifulJoe (Viewtiful Joe)
#Vulgus (Vulgus)
#ZackAndWiki (Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros' Treasure)