Brett Weiss
This reference work provides a comprehensive guide to popular and obscure video games of the 1970s and early 1980s, covering every official United States release for programmable home game consoles of the pre-Nintendo NES era. Included are the following systems: Adventure Vision, APF MP1000, Arcadia 2001, Astrocade, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, ColecoVision, Fairchild Channel F, Intellivision, Microvision, Odyssey, Odyssey2, RCA Studio II, Telstar Arcade, and Vectrex.
Organized alphabetically by console brand, each chapter includes a history and description of the game system, followed by write-ups for every original game released for that console. Each video game entry includes publisher/developer information and the release year, along with a detailed description and, frequently, the author's critique. An appendix lists "homebrew" titles that have been created by fans and amateur programmers and are available for download or purchase. Includes glossary, bibliography and index.
English | Paperback | 9780786469383 | 2012 | 316 | |
English | Hardcover | 9780786432264 | 2007 | 316 | |
English | eBook | N/A | 2011 | 316 |
Authors: #BrettWeiss
Publishers: #McFarland (McFarland)
Languages: #English
Format: #Hardcover #Paperback #eBook
Accessibility: #TextToSpeech #ScreenReader #EnhancedTypesetting
Genres: #Compendium #EarlyYears
#APFElectronics (APF Electronics Inc.)
#Atari (Atari)
#Bally (Bally Manufacturing)
#EmersonRadio (Emerson Radio)
#Entex (Entex)
Public Figures:
#280Zzzap (280 Zzzap)
#3DBowling (3D Bowling)
#AceyDeucey (Acey-Deucey)
#Adventure (Adventure)
#Airlock (Airlock)
#AirRaid (Air Raid)
#AirRaiders (Air Raiders, Bogey Blaster)
#AirSeaBattle (Air-Sea Battle)
#Alien (Alien)
#AlienInvaders (Alien Invaders)
#AmazingMaze (Amazing Maze)
#AmericanFootball (American Football)
#Amidar (Amidar) #ArmorBattle (Armor Ambush)
#ArtilleryDuel (Artillery Duel)
#Assault (Assault)
#AstroBattle (Astro Battle)
#AstrocadePinball (Astrocade Pinball)
#Astrosmash (#Astroblast [Astroblast])
#AtariVideoCube (Atari Video Cube)
#Atlantis (Atlantis, Cosmic Ark)
#BacheloretteParty (Bachelorette Party)
#BachelorParty (Bachelor Party)
#Backgammon (Backgammon)
#BallyBASIC (Bally BASIC)
#BallyPin (Bally Pin)
#BankHeist (Bank Heist)
#Barnstorming (Barnstorming)
#Baseball (Baseball)
#Basketball (Basketball)
#Battlezone (Battlezone)
#Beamrider (Beamrider)
#BeanyBopper (Beany Bopper)
#BeatEmAndEatEm (Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em)
#BerenstainBears (Berenstain Bears)
#BermudaTriangle (Bermuda Triangle)
#Berzerk (Berzerk)
#BioRhythm (BioRhythm)
#BingoMath (Bingo Math)
#Blackjack (Blackjack)
#BlastDroids (Blast Droids)
#Blockout (Blockout)
#Blueprint (Bluepring)
#BMXAirmaster (BMX Airmaster)
#Boing (Boing!)
#Bowling (Bowling)
#Boxing (Boxing)
#BrainGames (Brain Games)
#BrainQuiz (Brain Quiz)
#BreakItDown (Break It Down)
#Brickdown (Brickdown)
#BreakOut (#Breakaway [Breakaway, Breakaway IV])
#Brickyard (Brickyard)
#Bridge (Bridge)
#BuckRogers (Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom)
#Bugs (bugs)
#BumperBash (Bumper Bash)
#BumpNJump (Bump 'n' Jump)
#BurningDesire (Burning Desire)
#Cakewalk (Cakewalk)
#Calculator (Calculator)
#Candyman (Ms. Candyman)
#CanyonBomber (Canyon Bomber)
#Carnival (Carnival)
#Casino (Casino)
#Casino1 (Casino 1)
#CatTrax (Cat Trax)
#Centipede (#SneakySnake [Sneaky Snake])
#ChampionshipSoccer (Championship Soccer)
#ChaseTheChuckwagon (Chase the Chuckwagon)
#Checkers (checkers)
#Checkmate (Checkmate)
#ChinaSyndrome (China Syndrome)
#ChopperCommand (Chopper Command)
#ChuckNorrisSuperkicks (Chuck Norris Superkicks)
#Circus (Circus, Circus Atari)
#Clowns (Clowns)
#Coconuts (Coconuts)
#Codebreaker (Codebreaker)
#Combat (Combat, Combat Two)
#Commando (Commando)
#CommandoRaid (Commando Raid)
#CommunistMutantsFromSpace (Communist Mutants From Space)
#CondorAttack (Condor Attack)
#CongoBongo (Congo Bongo)
#CosmicCommuter (Cosmic Commuter)
#CosmicCorridor (Cosmic Corridor)
#CosmicCreeps (Cosmic Creeps)
#Cosmic Swarm (Cosmic Swarm)
#CosmicRaiders (Cosmic Raiders)
#Cracked (Crack'ed)
#Crackpots (Crackpots)
#CrashDive (Crash Dive)
#CrazyClimber (Crazy Climber)
#Crossbow (Crossbow)
#CrossForce (Cross Force)
#Crosswords (Crosswords)
#CryptsOfChaos (Crypts of Chaos)
#CrystalCastles (Crystal Castles)
#CustersRevenge (Custer's Revenge)
#DarkCavern (Dark Cavern)
#DarkChambers (Dark Chambers)
#DeadlyDuck (Deadly Duck)
#DeathTrap (Death Trap)
#Defender (Defender, Defender II)
#DemolitionHerby (Demolition Herby)
#DemonAttack (Demon Attack)
#Dodgem (Dodgem)
#DogPatch (Dog Patch)
#Doodle (Doodle)
#Defender (Defender)
#DemolitionDerby (Demolition Derby)
#DungeonHunt (Dungeon Hunt)
#ElementaryMath (Elementary Math)
#Escape (Escape)
#Exocet (Cruise Missile)
#FlagCapture (Flag Capture) #Football (Football)
#GalacticInvasion (Galactic Invasion)
#Galaxian (Galaxian, #SpaceAttack [Space Attack])
#Games (California Games)
#GhostManor (Ghost Manor)
#Gigolo (Gigolo)
#GrandPrix (Grand Prix)
#GrandSlamTennis (Grand Slam Tennis)
#Gunfight (Gunfight)
#Handball (Handball)
#Hangman (Hangman)
#Hockey (Hockey)
#HumanCannonball (Cannon Man)
#Jungler (Jungler)
#LetterMatch (Letter Match)
#LooneyTunes (Bugs Bunny)
#MachineLanguageManager (Machine Language Manager)
#MicroMatch (Micro Match)
#MiniatureGolf (Arcade Golf)
#MissileCommand (#ICBMAttack [I.C.B.M. Attack])
#MissileWar (Missile War)
#OceanBattle (Ocean Battle)
#PacMan (#Muncher [Muncher])
#PanzerAttack (Panzer Attack)
#Pinball (Pinball)
#PiratesChase (Pirate's Chase)
#Poker (Poker)
#Rebuild (Rebuild)
#RedBaron (Red Baron)
#RedClash (Red Clash)
#RocketPatrol (Rocket Patrol)
#Scribbling (Scribbling)
#SeaDevil (Sea Devil)
#SeaMonster (Sea Monster)
#SeaWolf (Seawolf and Missile, Seawolf and Bombardier)
#SesameStreet (Alpha Beam with Ernie, Big Bird's Egg Catch, Cookie Monster Munch)
#Shoot (Shoot)
#ShootingGallery (Shooting Gallery)
#SkyDiver (Dare Diver)
#Soccer (Soccer)
#SolarConquerer (Solar Conquerer)
#SpaceForce (Space Force)
#SpaceInvaders (Space Invaders, #SpaceDestroyers [Space Destroyers])
#SpaceMission (Space Mission)
#SpaceRaiders (Space Raiders)
#SpaceVultures (Space Vultures)
#SpaceZap (Space Fortress)
#SpellNScore (Spell 'N Score)
#Spiders (Spiders)
#SpikesPeak (Spike's Peak)
#StarBattle (Star Battle)
#StarChess (Star Chess)
#SuperCobra (Super Cobra)
#Surround (Surround, Chase)
#TanksALot (Tanks A Lot)
#Tennis (Tennis)
#TheActivisionDecathlon (The Activision Decathlon)
#TheChallengeOfNexar (The Challenge of Nexar)
#TicTacToe (Tic-Tac-Toe)
#TornadoBaseball (Tornado Baseball)
#TreasureCove (Treasure Cove)
#Tron (Adventures of Tron)
#Turtles (Turtles)
#VideoChess (Chess)
#VideoPinball (Arcade Pinball)
#WizardOfWor (#TheIncredibleWizard [The Incredible Wizard])
#AdventureVision (Adventure Vision)
#APFMP1000 (APF MP1000)
#Arcadia2001 (Arcadia 2001)
#Astrocade (Bally Astrocade)
#Atari2600 (Atari 2600)