Adam Birch, Airdorf, Anna Anne Anthropy, Ben Cocuzza, Bob Johnson, Bryan Eggers, Charlie Cleveland, Clem Chambers, Danielle Dorsey, Dave Lebling, Dave Lloyd, David Riordan, DontFight Ducks, F.J. Lennon, Graeme Devine, Graham Reznick, Ivan Zanotti, Jane Jensen, Jasper Byrne, Jeff Tunnell, Julien Névo, Keiichiro Toyama, Ken Levine, Kitty Horrorshow, Larry Fessenden, Laura Hunt, Lode Coen, Lynda Cowles, László Szenttornyai, Malcolm Evans, Michael Lutz, Mike Richardson, Octavi Navarro, Paul Norman, Robb Sherwin, Sandy White, Scott Adams, Ted Hentschke, Thomas Möhring, Tim Cowles, Tim Keenan, Trevor Storey, William McDonald, Wright Bagwell
Scary games may have entered the mainstream with the likes of Resident Evil and Silent Hill in the PlayStation era but interactive entertainment has always been drawn to its darker side. From Ants to Zombies is a showcase for the remarkable range horror gaming has achieved, across six decades, from the 1970s to the 2020s, and over 70 hardware platforms, from the ZX Spectrum to the Xbox Series X.
More than 130 horror titles are analysed and contextualised across thirteen thematically-divided chapters, covering a variety of genres (from rail shooters to open-world RPGs), settings (from haunted mansions to infested space stations) and shades of fear (from creeping existential dread to stomach-churning outbursts of violence). The discussion is enlivened by exclusive commentary from pioneering horror developers such as Keiichiro Toyama (Silent Hill), Jane Jensen (Gabriel Knight), Ken Levine (System Shock 2), Sandy White (Ant Attack), David Riordan (It Came from the Desert), Paul Norman (Forbidden Forest), Graeme Devine (The 7th Guest), and many more.
Spanning 600+ beautifully-illustrated pages, From Ants to Zombies offers an opportunity to revisit venerated classics and discover unfairly overlooked gems, tapping into the inexhaustible riches of six decades of video game horror.
English | Hardcover | 9781838019167 | 2023 | 664 |
Authors/Narrators: #AdamBirch #Airdorf #AnnaAnneAnthropy #BenCocuzza #BobJohnson #BryanEggers #CharlieCleveland #ClemChambers #DanielleDorsey #DaveLebling #DaveLloyd #DavidRiordan #DontFightDucks #FJLennon #GraemeDevine #GrahamReznick #IvanZanotti #JaneJensen #JasperByrne #JeffTunnell #JulienNévo #KeiichiroToyama #KenLevine #KittyHorrorshow #LarryFessenden #LauraHunt #LodeCoen #LyndaCowles #LászlóSzenttornyai #MalcolmEvans #MichaelLutz #MikeRichardson #OctaviNavarro #PaulNorman #RobbSherwin #SandyWhite #ScottAdams #TedHentschke #ThomasMöhring #TimCowles #TimKeenan #TrevorStorey #WilliamMcDonald #WrightBagwell
Publishers: #BitmapBooks (Bitmap Books)
Languages: #English
Format: #Hardcover
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2023
Genres: #Compendium #Horror #PCGaming
Public Figures:
#13Ghosts (13 Ghosts)
#3DMonsterMaze (3D Monster Maze)
#Adrift (Adrift)
#AlanWake (Alan Wake)
#Alien (Alien, Aliens: The Computer Game)
#AlienBrigade (Alien Brigade)
#Alien (Alien: Isolation)
#AloneInTheDark (Alone in the Dark)
#Amnesia (Amnesia: The Dark Descent)
#AmongtheSleep (Among the Sleep)
#Anatomy (Anatomy)
#Anchorhead (Anchorhead)
#ANightmareOnElmStreet (A Nightmare on Elm Street)
#AntAttack (Ant Attack)
#APlagueTale (A Plague Tale: Innocence)
#ARoomBeyond (A Room Beyond)
#Asylum (Asylum)
#AVeryVeryVERYScaryHouse (A Very, Very, VERY Scary House)
#Bandersnatch (Bandersnatch)
#BarrowHill (Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle)
#BeastBusters (Beast Busters)
#Betrayer (Betrayer)
#BioShock (BioShock)
#BlairWitch (Blair Witch)
#BrideofFrankenstein (Bride of Frankenstein)
#Capsule (Capsule)
#CarnEvil (CarnEvil)
#Carrier (Carrier)
#Castlevania (Castlevania)
#Cauldron (Cauldron)
#Chiller (Chiller)
#ChitinCreek (Chitin Creek)
#CliveBarkersUndying (Clive Barker's Undying)
#ClockTower (Clock Tower)
#ColdFear (Cold Fear)
#Coloratura (Coloratura)
#CongoTheMovie (Congo: The Movie - Descent into Zinj Corpse Killer)
#CreepyCastle (Creepy Castle)
#CrushCrumbleChomp (Crush, Crumble and Chomp!)
#CryptKiller (Crypt Killer)
#DarkSeed (Dark Seed)
#DarkTales (Dark Tales: From the Lost Soul)
#Darkstalkers (Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors)
#Darkwood (Darkwood)
#DeadNFurious (Dead 'n' Furious)
#DeadbyDaylight (Dead by Daylight)
#DeadSpace (Dead Space, Dead Space: Extraction)
#Deadeus (Deadeus)
#DeadlyCreatures (Deadly Creatures)
#DeepFear (Deep Fear)
#DeepSea (Deep Sea)
#Demon'sTomb (Demon's Tomb: The Awakening)
#Detention (Detention)
#DinoCrisis (Dino Crisis)
#DinoStalker (Dino Stalker)
#Discomfort (Discomfort)
#DontGoAlone (Don't Go Alone)
#Doom (DOOM 3)
#Dracula (Dracula)
#DraculatheUndead (Dracula the Undead)
#DraculaUnleashed (Dracula Unleashed)
#DraculaOrigin (Dracula: Origin
#DraculaTheResurrection (Dracula: The Resurrection)
#DreadXCollection (Dread X Collection)
#Duskers (Duskers)
#EccotheDolphin (Ecco the Dolphin)
#EchoNight (Echo Night)
#Ecstatica (Ecstatica)
#EnemyZero (Enemy Zero)
#Eversion (Eversion)
#FEAR (F.E.A.R.)
#FAITHTheUnholyTrinity (FAITH: The Unholy Trinity)
#Firewatch (Firewatch)
#ForbiddenForest (Forbidden Forest)
#ForbiddenSiren (Forbidden Siren)
#FrankensteinsMonster (Frankenstein's Monster)
#FridayThe13th (Friday the 13th)
#FromBeyond (From Beyond: Prologue)
#GabrielKnight (The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery)
#Galerians (Galerians)
#GhostsNGoblins (Ghouls 'n Ghosts)
#Godzilla (Godzilla)
#GroundZeroTexas (Ground Zero Texas)
#Grounded (Grounded)
#Halloween (Halloween)
#Harvester (Harvester)
#HauntedHouseAtari (Haunted House (Atari))
#HauntedHouseMagnavox (Haunted House (Magnavox))
#HauntedMuseum (Haunted Museum)
#HauntingGround (Haunting Ground)
#Hellnight (Hellnight)
#HiResAdventure (Hi-Res Adventure 1: Mystery House)
#HollywoodMonsters. (Hollywood Monsters.)
#HouseofUsher (House of Usher)
#HysteriaProject (Hysteria Project)
#IfonaWinter'sNight,FourTravelers (If on a Winter's Night, Four Travelers)
#InnerDemons (Inner Demons)
#InnsmouthnoYakata (Innsmouth no Yakata)
#IronLung (Iron Lung)
#Iru! (Iru!)
#ItCamefromtheDesert (It Came from the Desert)
#JackandtheBeanstalk (Jack and the Beanstalk)
#JackintheDark (Jack in the Dark)
#JacktheRipper (Jack the Ripper)
#JurassicPark (Jurassic Park)
#Kadath (Kadath)
#KillItWithFire (Kill It With Fire)
#KingKong (King Kong)
#Kuon (Kuon)
#LaserGhost (Laser Ghost)
#LePacte (Le Pacte)
#Limbo (Limbo)
#LittleNightmares (Little Nightmares)
#LoneSurvivor (Lone Survivor)
#MadFather (Mad Father)
#MansionofHiddenSouls (Mansion of Hidden Souls)
#MartianGothic (Martian Gothic: Unification)
#Miasmata (Miasmata)
#MidnightScenes (Midnight Scenes: The Highway)
#MonsterBashApogee (Monster Bash (Apogee))
#MonsterBashSega (Monster Bash (SEGA))
#MonsterParty (Monster Party)
#MurderHouse (Murder House)
#MyFathersLongLongLegs (My Father's Long, Long Legs)
#Necromancer (Necromancer)
#NecroticDrift (Necrotic Drift)
#NightCreatures (Night Creatures)
#NightCry (NightCry)
#NightTrap (Night Trap)
#NightmareGallery (Nightmare Gallery)
#ObsCure (ObsCure)
#Octopus (Octopus)
#Onimusha (Onimusha: Warlords)
#OpossumCountry (Opossum Country)
#OrganTrail (Organ Trail)
#OrionPrime (Orion Prime)
#Oxenfree (Oxenfree)
#PT (P.T.)
#ParasiteEve (Parasite Eve)
#Pathologic (Pathologic 2)
#Peridium (Peridium)
#Phantasmagoria (Phantasmagoria)
#Predator (Predator)
#Prey (Prey)
#Produce (Produce)
#ProjectFirestart (Project Firestart)
#ProjectZero (Project Zero)
#PsychoKiller (Psycho Killer)
#Pylons (Pylons)
#Rampage (Rampage)
#RealmsoftheHaunting (Realms of the Haunting)
#ResidentEvil (Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil: Revelations, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles)
#Ripper (Ripper)
#RMSTitanic (RMS Titanic)
#SangFroid (Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves)
#Saturnalia (Saturnalia)
#ScubaDive (Scuba Dive)
#SewerShark (Sewer Shark)
#Shade (Shade)
#SharkJaws (Shark Jaws)
#ShiryouSensen (Shiryou Sensen: War of the Dead)
#Signalis (Signalis)
#SilentDebuggers (Silent Debuggers)
#SilentHill (Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill: The Arcade)
#Sinistar (Sinistar)
#Slender (Slender: The Eight Pages)
#Soma (Soma)
#SongofHorror (Song of Horror)
#SOSTheFinalEscape (SOS: The Final Escape)
#SpaceGun (Space Gun)
#Splatterhouse (Splatterhouse)
#StoriesUntold (Stories Untold)
#Stowaway (Stowaway)
#Subnautica (Subnautica)
#SweetHome (Sweet Home)
#SystemShock (System Shock 2)
#TauCeti (Tau Ceti)
#TerroratSelachiiBay (Terror at Selachii Bay)
#TerrorOfTheDeep (Terror of the Deep)
#TerrorDaktil4D (Terror-Daktil 4D)
#The7thGuest (The 7th Guest)
#TheBindingofIsaac (The Binding of Isaac)
#TheBlackMirror (The Black Mirror)
#TheComa (The Coma: Cutting Class)
#TheCount (The Count)
#TheCountLucanor (The Count Lucanor)
#TheDarkPicturesAnthology (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan)
#TheEvilWithin (The Evil Within)
#TheFear (The Fear)
#TheForest (The Forest)
#TheHorrorofSalazarHouse (The Horror of Salazar House)
#TheHoundOfShadow (The Hound of Shadow)
#TheHouseofSevenGables (The House of Seven Gables)
#TheHouseOfTheDead (The House of the Dead)
#TheInfectiousMadnessofDoctorDekker (The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker)
#TheLastVampire (The Last Vampire)
#TheLegacyRealmOfTerror (The Legacy: Realm of Terror)
#TheLongDark (The Long Dark)
#TheLurkingHorror (The Lurking Horror)
#TheMist (The Mist)
#TheNightjar (The Nightjar)
#TheNightmare (The Nightmare)
#TheOceanHunter (The Ocean Hunter)
#TheOutbreak (The Outbreak)
#ThePath (The Path)
#ThePhantomSlayer (The Phantom Slayer)
#TheQuarry (The Quarry)
#TheRats (The Rats)
#TheRodPikeTrilogy (The Rod Pike Trilogy)
#TheScreecher (The Screecher (Don't Starve mod))
#TheShadowoverHawksmill (The Shadow over Hawksmill)
#TheSuffering (The Suffering)
#TheWreckOfTheBSMPandora (The Wreck of the B.S.M. Pandora)
#TotalEclipse (Total Eclipse)
#Transylvania (Transylvania)
#Uninvited (Uninvited)
#UntilDawn (Until Dawn, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood)
#VampireNight (Vampire Night)
#Visage (Visage)
#VoodooKid (Voodoo Kid)
#WhatRemainsofEdithFinch (What Remains of Edith Finch)
#WhereTimeStoodStill (Where Time Stood Still)
#WhiteDay (White Day: A Labyrinth Named School)
#Wolfsbane (Wolfsbane)
#XCOM (X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
#Xenomorph (Xenomorph)
#Yomawari (Yomawari: Night Alone)
#YumeNikki (Yume Nikki)
#ZombieRaid (Zombie Raid)