Hidekuni Shida, Giichi Totsuka
Vol. 3 of this 5-volume set, published exclusively in 2000 in Japan, offers an in-depth look into the video game industry through interviews with iconic figures, conducted by Naoko Yoshida. Featuring insights from industry legends such as Yuzo Koshiro, Koji Kondo, Nobuo Uematsu, Kohei Tanaka, Hirokazu Tanaka, and Masaya Matsura this 170+ page volume provides a unique perspective on the creation and evolution of video games.
A must-have for enthusiasts and historians of the gaming world.
Japanese | Paperback | 9784839903862 | 2001 | 174 |
Game Maestro - Vol. 3
ゲーム・マエストロ VOL.3 コンポーザー編
Authors: #GiichiTotsuka #HidekuniShida
Publishers: #MainichiCommunications (Mainichi Communications)
Languages: #Japanese
Format: #Paperback
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2001
Genres: #GameDesign #Interviews #Music
Public Figures:
#HirokazuTanaka (Hirokazu Tanaka [田中 宏和])
#KoheiTanaka (Kohei Tanaka [田中 公平])
#KojiKondo (Koji Kondo [近藤 浩治])
#MasayaMatsuura (Masaya Matsuura [松浦 雅也])
#NobuoUematsu (Nobuo Uematsu [植松 伸夫])
#YuzoKoshiro (Yuzo Koshiro [古代 祐三])
#2001WanganMidnightMaximumTune (2001 Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune)
#3DWorldRunner (3-D WorldRunner)
#ActRaiser (ActRaiser, ActRaiser 2)
#Adventure (Super Adventure Island)
#Algarna (Algarna)
#AliensAlien2 (Aliens: Alien 2)
#Alpha (Alpha)
#AppleTownStory (Apple Town Story)
#ArmWrestling (Arm Wrestling)
#BalloonFight (Balloon Fight)
#BalloonKid (Balloon Kid)
#Bastard (Bastard!!)
#Batman (Batman Returns)
#BeyondOasis (Beyond Oasis)
#BombJack (Bomb Jack)
#ButtonNose (Button Nose)
#CarBattlerJoe (Car Battler Joe)
#CardcaptorSakura (Animetic Story Game 1: Cardcaptor Sakura)
#Chrono (Chrono Trigger)
#CleopatraNoMahō (Cleopatra no Mahō)
#CruiseChaserBlassty (Cruise Chaser Blassty)
#Culdcept (Culdcept)
#CompleteOnsideSoccer (Complete Onside Soccer)
#DarkStorm (Dark Storm: Demon Crystal)
#DevilWorld (Devil World)
#Doteraman (Doteraman)
#DonkeyKong (Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong II, Donkey Kong 3, Donkey Kong Jr.)
#DragonBall (Dragon Ball)
#DragonHalf (Dragon Half)
#DynamiTracer (Dynami Tracer)
#EsperMami (Esper Mami)
#EyeoftheBeholder (Eye of the Beholder)
#FinalFantasy (Final Fantasy)
#FinalFantasyI (Final Fantasy I)
#FinalFantasyII (Final Fantasy II)
#FinalFantasyIII (Final Fantasy III)
#FinalFantasyIV (Final Fantasy IV)
#FinalFantasyV (Final Fantasy V)
#FinalFantasyVI (Final Fantasy VI)
#FinalFantasyVII (Final Fantasy VII)
#FinalFantasyVIII (Final Fantasy VIII)
#FinalFantasyIX (Final Fantasy IX)
#FinalFantasyX (Final Fantasy X)
#FoxJunction (Fox Junction)
#FrontMission (Front Mission: Gun Hazard)
#Golf (Golf)
#Gunbuster (Gunbuster)
#Gundam (Mobile Fighter G Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team)
#HanjukuHero (Hanjuku Hero)
#KingsKnight (King's Knight)
#KungFu (Kung Fu)
#LegacyoftheWizard (Legacy of the Wizard)
ManjiPsyYuuki (Manji Psy Yuuki)
#Mario (Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros.: Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, Mario's Bombs Away, Mario Paint)
#MiracleCasinoParadise (Miracle Casino Paradise)
#MistyBlue (Misty Blue)
#OjousamaClub (Ojousama Club)
#Pilotwings (Pilotwings)
#PunchOut (Punch-Out!!)
#RadRacer (Rad Racer, Rad Racer II)
#Robotrek (Robotrek)
#Romancia (Romancia)
#Shenmue (Shenmue, Shenmue II)
#Shinobi (The Revenge of Shinobi)
#SlapFightMD (Slap Fight MD)
#Soccer (Soccer)
#Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
#Sorcerian (Sorcerian)
#StarFox (Star Fox, Star Fox 64)
#StarWars (Star Wars: Attack on the Death Star)
#StreetsofRage (Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 3)
#TheCurseofMars (The Curse of Mars)
#TheGGShinobi (The G.G. Shinobi, The G.G. Shinobi II: The Silent Fury)
#TheGateofLabyrinth (The Gate of Labyrinth)
#TheLegendofOasis (The Legend of Oasis)
#TheScheme (The Scheme)
#TheTowerOfDruaga (The Return of Ishtar)
#Thrice (Thrice)
#Vatlva (Vatlva)
#Volleyball (Volleyball)
#WanderersfromSuperSchem (Wanderers from Super Schem)
#WildGunman (Wild Gunman)
#Ys (Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished, Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished – The Final Chapter)
#YumeKojō (Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic)
#Zelda (The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Mysterious Murasame Castle)
#Zork (Zork I: The Great Underground Empire)
HeliFire (Heli Fire)
HonōnoTenkōsei (Honō no Tenkōsei)
JJTobidaseDaisakusenPartII (JJ: Tobidase Daisakusen Part II)
LadySeries (Lady!! series)
Maps (Maps)
MadōKingGranzortTheFinalMagicalBattle (Madō King Granzort: The Final Magical Battle)
MatchlessRaijinOh (Matchless Raijin-Oh)
MickeyDonald (Mickey & Donald)
NakayamaMihoNoTokimekiHighSchool (Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School)
Obatarian (Obatarian)
OnePiece (One Piece)
OtakuNoVideo (Otaku no Video)
Patlabor (Patlabor)
Pinball (Pinball)
RadarScope (Radar Scope)
RomancingSaGa (Romancing SaGa)
SakuraWarsTheRadiantGorgeousBloomingCherryBlossoms (Sakura Wars: The Radiant Gorgeous Blooming Cherry Blossoms)
Square'sTomSawyer (Square's Tom Sawyer)
SpiritOfWonderMissChina'sRing (Spirit of Wonder: Miss China's Ring)
TheFinalFantasyLegend (The Final Fantasy Legend)
TheThreeMusketeers (The Three Musketeers)
TheLaughingSalesman (The Laughing Salesman)
ViolinistofHameln (Violinist of Hameln)
WataruMajinzan (Wataru Majinzan)
Yaiba (Yaiba)
CheeChaiAlien (Chee-Chai Alien)
DonkeyKongJr (
DuckHunt (Duck Hunt)
EarthBound (EarthBound)
FireEmblemGaiden (Fire Emblem Gaiden)
GameAndWatchGallery (Game & Watch Gallery)
GameBoyCamera (Game Boy Camera)
Golf (Golf)
GingaNoSannin (Ginga no Sannin)
Gumshoe (Gumshoe)
HelloKittyWorld (Hello Kitty World)
Hogan'sAlley (Hogan's Alley)
KnightMove (Knight Move)
MachopAtWork (Machop at Work)
MetamorJupiter (Metamor Jupiter)
Metroid (Metroid)
Mother (Mother)
PaRappaTheRapper (PaRappa the Rapper)
Popeye (Popeye)
RhymeRiderKerorican (Rhyme Rider Kerorican)
Snoopy (Snoopy)
SnoopyConcert (Snoopy Concert)
SpitballSparky (Spitball Sparky)
StackUp (Stack-Up)
SuperMarioLand (Super Mario Land)
Tetris (Tetris)
TheSevenColorsLegendOfPSYSCity (The Seven Colors: Legend of PSY・S City)
UrbanChampion (Urban Champion)
WreckingCrew (Wrecking Crew)
WreckingCrew98 (Wrecking Crew '98)
X (X)
Yakuman (Yakuman)