Ahmet Burçin Gürbüz, Barbaros Bostan, Berrin Yanıkkaya, Berk Uralcan, Burçin Gürbüz, Erkan Saka, Ertuğrul Süngü, Esin Selin Güregen, Gökmen Kaya, Gözde Dalan Polat, Kutay Tinç Mehmet Kosa, Mehmet Şükrü Kuran, Metehan İğneci, Murat Yılmaz, Özge Küçük, Serra Sezgin
The world of digital games started to show its impact on a global scale in the 90s, and since the beginning of the 2010s, it has become a topic that speaks for itself in every sense in Turkey. The game world, which has reached a completely different point today, especially with the development of the technological infrastructure in the 2000s, draws attention both in the sectoral and academic sense.
Today, while many Turkish companies are producing around the world, there is a huge game production and consumption in the global sense. “Games Studies”, on the other hand, started in the 90s in America and Europe and has become an academic topic that is still being studied in detail by many academics today.
In our book titled Game Studies in and from Turkey, there are 14 different articles featuring many academics from different disciplines and leading people in their fields. Seven of these articles are studies specific to Turkey and the other seven are studies by researchers from Turkey on a global scale. In this review, which aims to understand the game culture; There are articles on different topics ranging from board games to role-playing games, from representation to contemporary art. The aim of the book; especially to help understand the concept of "Gamer", "Gamer" culture and the different titles it contains. the other seven are global-scale studies by researchers from Turkey. In this review, which aims to understand the game culture; There are articles on different topics ranging from board games to role-playing games, from representation to contemporary art. The aim of the book; especially to help understand the concept of "Gamer", "Gamer" culture and the different titles it contains. the other seven are global-scale studies by researchers from Turkey. In this review, which aims to understand the game culture; There are articles on different topics ranging from board games to role-playing games, from representation to contemporary art. The aim of the book; especially to help understand the concept of "Gamer", "Gamer" culture and the different titles it contains.
Turkish | Paperback | 9786254023859 | 2020 | 342 |
Türkiye'de ve Türkiye'den Oyun Calismalari
Authors: #AhmetBurçinGürbüz #BarbarosBostan #BerrinYanıkkaya #BerkUralcan #BurçinGürbüz #ErkanSaka #ErtuğrulSüngü #EsinSelinGüregen #GökmenKaya #GözdeDalanPolat #KutayTinç #MehmetKosa #MehmetŞükrüKuran #Metehanİğneci #MuratYılmaz #ÖzgeKüçük #SerraSezgin
Publishers: #NobelAkademík (Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Nobel Academic Publishing)
Languages: #Turkish
Format: #Paperback
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2020
Genres: #GameStudies #GlobalPerspective
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