Dave Cook
Get ready for the fight of your life in Go Straight: The Ultimate Guide to Side-Scrolling Beat-’Em-Ups. Written by award-winning author Dave Cook, and opening with a foreword by legendary Double Dragon creator, Yoshihisa Kishimoto, this odyssey through bare-knuckle nostalgia features over 200 games spanning 37 years, starting with Irem’s 1984 arcade mash, Kung-Fu Master, continuing through the genre’s ‘90s heyday, and finishing with indie brawlers such as Mother Russia Bleeds and Streets of Rage 4.
At over 450 pages, Go Straight takes a deep dive into familiar beat-’em-up legends like Double Dragon, Golden Axe, Final Fight and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as well as delving into the more obscure brawlers you just have to try, like Denjin Makai, Shadow Force and Gaia Crusaders. As well as reviewing each game, Go Straight features hints, tips and guides to levels and enemies. The book is packed full of screenshots, sprites and level maps, all lovingly curated and presented to our usual high standards.
Go Straight is printed lithographically to the highest standards. This ensures that the colours in the book are really vibrant and that the pages have a high-quality, luxurious feel to them. As standard, each book is offered in hardback with a spot-varnished fascia featuring artwork by artist Jorge M. Velez.
If you have fond memories of playing side-scrolling beat-’em-ups at home on the couch or in noisy arcades, or if you’re excited by the genre and jumping in for the first time, Go Straight is the perfect guide for you.
English | Hardcover | | 9781838019150 | 2022 | 456 |
Authors: #DaveCook #YoshihisaKishimoto Publishers: #BitmapBooks (Bitmap Books) Languages: #English Format: #Hardcover Accessibility: N/A Year: #Year2022 Genres: #BeatEmUp, #Compendium, #GeneralHistory Companies: #Capcom (Capcom)
#DataEast (Data East) #IREM (IREM Corporation) #Konami (Konami) #Sega (Sega) #Taito (Taito) Public Figures: #JorgeMVelez (Jorge M. Velez) #YoshihisaKishimoto (Yoshihisa Kishimoto)
#64thStreetADetectiveStory (64th Street: A Detective Story)
#99Vidas (99Vidas) #AbobbosBigAdventure (Abobo's Big Adventure) #AfterTheWar (After The War) #AlienStorm (Alien Storm) #Alien (Alien vs. Predator) #AlteredBeast (Altered Beast, Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms) #ArabianFight (Arabian Fight) #ArabianMagic (Arabian Magic) #ArmoredWarriors (Armored Warriors) #Asterix (Asterix) #BRapBoys (B.Rap Boys) #BadDudesvsDragonNinja (Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja)
#Batman (Batman Returns, Batman Forever: The Arcade Game, Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker)
#BattleCircuit (Battle Circuit)
#Battletoads (Battletoads, Battletoads in Battlemaniacs, Battletoads/Double Dragon, Battletoads Arcade, Battletoads (2020))
#BebesKids (Bébé's Kids)
#BladeMaster (Blade Master)
#BrawlBrothers (Brawl Brothers)
#BruteForce (Brute Force)
#BuckyOHare (Bucky O'Hare) #BudSpencerAndTerrenceHillSlapsandBeans (Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill: Slaps and Beans)
#BurningFight (Burning Fight)
#CadillacsandDinosaurs (Cadillacs and Dinosaurs)
#CaptainAmericaandtheAvengers (Captain America and the Avengers)
#CaptainCommando (Captain Commando)
#CastleCrashers (Castle Crashers)
#CBCharaWars (CB Chara Wars)
#CharlieMurder (Charlie Murder)
#Cliffhanger (Cliffhanger)
#CodeofPrincess (Code of Princess)
#CoffeeCrisis (Coffee Crisis)
#ComixZone (Comix Zone)
#CosmoPoliceGalivan (Cosmo Police Galivan II: Arrow of Justice)
#CrimeFighters (Crime Fighters)
#CrowsTheBattleAction (Crows: The Battle Action)
#CutthroatIsland (Cutthroat Island)
#CyborgJustice (Cyborg Justice)
#DDCrew (D.D. Crew)
#DancingSwordSenkou (Dancing Sword Senkou)
#DeadIsland (Dead Island: Retro Revenge)
#DenjinMakai (Denjin Makai)
#DieHard (Die Hard Arcade)
#DJBoy (DJ Boy)
#DoubleDragon (Double Dragon, Double Dragon II: The Revenge, Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone, Super Double Dragon, Double Dragon Neon, Double Dragon 2: Wander of the Dragons, Double Dragon IV)
#DragonBall (Dragon Ball GT: Transformation)
#DragonsCrown (Dragon's Crown)
#DungeonMagic (Dungeon Magic)
#DungeonsAndDragons (Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom, Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara)
#DynamiteCop (Dynamite Cop) #DynamiteDux (Dynamite Düx)
#DynastyWars (Dynasty Wars)
#EightDragons (Eight Dragons)
#FightNRage (Fight'N Rage)
#FightingForce (Fighting Force)
#FinalFight (Final Fight, Mighty Final Fight, Final Fight 2, Final Fight 3, Final Fight: Streetwise)
#GaiaCrusaders (Gaia Crusaders)
#GangWars (Gang Wars)
#Gekido (Gekido: Urban Fighters, Gekido Advance: Kintaro's Revenge)
#Gladiator (Gladiator)
#GodHand (God Hand)
#GoldenAxe (Golden Axe, Golden Axe II, Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder, Golden Axe III)
#GourmetSentaiBarayaro (Gourmet Sentai Barayarō)
#Growl (Growl)
#GuardianHeroes (Guardian Heroes)
#GuardiansDenjinMakaiII (Guardians: Denjin Makai II)
#GuardiansoftheHood (Guardians of the Hood)
#Hachoo (Hachoo!)
#Hook (Hook)
#IronCommando (Iron Commando: Koutetsu no Senshi)
#JackieChanAdventures (Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark Hand)
#JayandSilentBob (Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl)
#JitsuSquad (Jitsu Squad)
#KamenRider (Kamen Rider)
#KarateBlazers (Karate Blazers)
#KingoftheMonsters (King of the Monsters, King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing)
#KnightsoftheRound (Knights of the Round)
#KnightsofValour (Knights of Valour)
#KnuckleBash (Knuckle Bash)
#KungFuKid (Kung Fu Kid)
#KungFuMaster (Kung-Fu Master)
#Legend (Legend)
#LethalWeapon (Lethal Weapon)
#MadStalker (Mad Stalker)
#MazinSagaMutantFighter (Mazin Saga: Mutant Fighter)
#MetamorphicForce (Metamorphic Force)
#MichaelJacksonsMoonwalker (Michael Jackson's Moonwalker)
#MortalKombat (Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks)
#MotherRussiaBleeds (Mother Russia Bleeds)
#MugSmashers (Mug Smashers)
#MutationNation (Mutation Nation)
#MysticalFighter (Mystical Fighter)
#NekketsuOyako (Nekketsu Oyako)
#NightSlashers (Night Slashers)
#NinjaBaseballBatMan (Ninja Baseball Bat Man)
#NinjaClowns (Ninja Clowns)
#NinaCombat (Ninja Combat)
#NinjaGaiden (Ninja Gaiden [Shadow Warriors, 忍者龍剣伝])
#OrientalLegend (Oriental Legend)
#PowerRangers (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie)
#POWPrisonersofWar (P.O.W.: Prisoners of War)
#PanzerBandit (Panzer Bandit)
#PhantomBreaker (Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds) #PuLiRuLa (Pu-Li-Ru-La) #RagingJustice (Raging Justice) #Rastan (Rastan) #Renegade (Renegade, Target: Renegade, Renegade III: The Final Chapter) #RiotCity (Riot City) #RivalTurf (Rival Turf!) #RiverCityRansom (River City Ransom, Shin Nekketsu Kouha: Kunio-Tachi no Banka, River City: Tokyo Rumble, River City Ransom: Underground, River City Girls) #RoboArmy (Robo Army) #Rollergames (Rollergames)
#SailorMoon (Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon)
#ScottPilgrim (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game)
#Sengoku (Sengoku, Sengoku 2, Sengoku 3)
#ShadowForce (Shadow Force)
#ShaqFu (Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn)
#ShuiHuFengYunZhuan (Shui Hu Feng Yun Zhuan)
#SilentDragon (Silent Dragon)
#SkullandCrossbones (Skull & Crossbones)
#SonicBlastMan (Sonic Blast Man)
#SpiderMan (Spider-Man: The Video Game, Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage)
#SpikeoutBattleStreet (Spikeout: Battle Street)
#Splatterhouse (Splatterhouse, Splatterhouse 2, Splatterhouse 3)
#StarWars (Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith)
#StoneProtectors (Stone Protectors)
#StreetsofFuryEX (Streets of Fury EX)
#StreetsofRage (Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 3, Streets of Rage 4)
#StreetsofRed (Streets of Red: Devil's Dare Deluxe) #Superman (The Death and Return of Superman)
#TakedaShingen (Takeda Shingen)
#TecmoKnight (Tecmo Kngiht)
#Tekken (Tekken's Nina Williams in Death By Degrees)
#TheAdventuresofBayouBilly (The Adventures of Bayou Billy)
#TheAgeofHeroes (The Age of Heroes: Silkroad 2)
#TheBouncer (The Bouncer)
#TheCombatribes (The Combatribes)
#TheCrystalofKings (The Crystal of Kings)
#TheFriendsofRingoIshikawa (The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa)
#TheKingofDragons (The King of Dragons)
#TheNinjaKids (The Ninja Kids)
#TheNinjaWarriors (The Ninja Warriors, The Ninja Warriors (1994), The Ninja Saviours: Return of the Warriors)
#ThePeaceKeepers (The Peace Keepers)
#ThePunisher (The Punisher)
#TheSimpsons (The Simpsons)
#TheTakeover (The Takeover)
#TheTick (The Tick)
#TheWarriors (The Warriors, The Warriors: Street Brawl)
#ThreeDirtyDwarves (Three Dirty Dwarves)
#TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist)
#ToughTurf (Tough Turf)
#ToxicCrusaders (Toxic Crusaders)
#TreacheryInBeatdownCity (Treachery in Beatdown City)
#TwoCrudeDudes (Two Crude Dudes)
#UFOKamenYakisoban (UFO Kamen Yakisoban: Kettler no Kuroi)
#UndercoverCops (Undercover Cops) #Vendetta (Vendetta) #Vigilante (Vigilante) #ViolentStorm (Violent Storm) #WarriorsofFate (Warriors of Fate) #WayofthePassiveFist (Way of the Passive Fist)
#WildCATS (Jim Lee's WildC.A.T.S.) #Wulverblade (Wulverblade) #XMen (X-Men) #ZombieRevenge (Zombie Revenge) Misc.: