Derek Bain, John Racanelli
Celebrating 50 years of our pixelated National Pastime, this compendium documents the pertinent details for baseball video games and electronic handheld games released in the last half-century and follows the evolution of the genre. Game ratings and reviews for hundreds of baseball games are included along with interviews of designers, programmers and pioneers of the computer, video and handheld gaming industry - Don Daglow, Eddie Dombrower, Lance Haffner, Mark Lesser, Tom Tippett and Glen Wolfram. The authors wish to encourage readers to explore these games, both past and present, create your own teams and leagues, and share those results with fellow baseball gaming and simulation enthusiasts!
English | Paperback | | 9798332974014 | 2024 | 402 |
English | eBook | N/A | 2024 | 402 |
Hardball Retro’s Compendium of Baseball Video Games and Electronic Handhelds
Authors/Narrators: #DerekBain #JohnRacanelli
Publishers: #SelfPublished
Languages: #English
Format: #Paperback #eBook
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2024
Genres: #Compendium #Sports
Public Figures:
#DonDaglow (Don Daglow)
#EddieDombrower (Eddie Dombrower)
#GlenWolfram (Glen Wolfram)
#LanceHaffner (Lance Haffner)
#MarkLesser (Mark Lesser)
#TomTippett (Tom Tippett)
#3DBaseball (3D Baseball)
#AbsoluteBaseball (Absolute Baseball)
#AllStarBaseball (All-Star Baseball 99, All-Star Baseball 2000, All-Star Baseball 2001, All-Star Baseball 2002)
#ArcStyleBaseball3D (Arc Style: Baseball 3D)
#BackyardSports (Backyard Sports: Sandlot Sluggers)
#BadNewsBaseball (Bad News Baseball)
#Basewars (Basewars)
#Baseball (Baseball!)
#BaseballAdvance (Baseball Advance)
#BaseballBlast (Baseball Blast!)
#BaseballHeroes (Baseball Heroes)
#BaseballNavigator (Baseball Navigator)
#BaseballSimlator1000 (Baseball Simulator 1.000 #BaseballStars (Baseball Stars, Baseball Stars 2)
#BasesLoaded (Bases Loaded, Bases Loaded 2, Bases Loaded 3, Bases Loaded '96)
#BatterUp (Batter Up)
#BigLeagueSlugger (Big League Slugger Baseball)
#BoJacksonBaseball (Bo Jackson Baseball, Bo Jackson: Two Games in One)
#BottomOfThe9th (Bottom of the 9th)
#CalRipkenJrBaseball (Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball)
#ClutchHitter (Clutch Hitter)
#CrushedBaseball (Crushed Baseball)
#DesktopBaseball (Desktop Baseball)
#DustyDiamondsAllStarSoftball (Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball)
#DynamiteSlugger (Dynamite Slugger)
#ESPNBaseballTonight (ESPN Baseball Tonight)
#ESPNMajorLeagueBaseball (ESPN Major League Baseball)
#ExtraBases (Extra Bases)
#ExtraInnings (Extra Innings)
#FamilyStadium (R.B.I. Baseball 2)
#FrankThomasBigHurtBaseball (Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball)
#GrandSlam (Grand Slam)
#GreatBaseball (Great Baseball)
#HardBall (HardBall!, HardBall III, HardBall 4 [HardBall '94], HardBall '95, HardBall '99)
#HighHeatBaseball (High Heat Baseball 2000, Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001, High Heat Baseball 2002, High Heat Baseball 2003, High Heat Baseball 2004)
#Homerun (Homerun)
#HomeRun (Home Run)
#HomeRunHigh (Home Run High)
#HomeRunKing (Home Run King)
#InsidePitch (Inside Pitch 2003)
#InterplaySportsBaseball (Interplay Sports Baseball 2000)
#KenGriffeyJrBaseball (Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball)
#KenGriffeyJrSlugfest (Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest)
#KenGriffeyJrWinningRun (Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run)
#KonamisBaseball (Konami's Baseball)
#LegendsOfTheDiamond (Legends of the Diamond)
#LittleLeagueBaseball (Little League Baseball 2002)
#LittleLeagueWorldSeriesBaseball (Little League World Series Baseball 2008, Little League World Series Baseball 2009) #MajorLeagueBaseball (MLB, Major League Baseball)
#Mario (Mario Super Sluggers, Mario Superstar Baseball)
#MikePiazzasStrikeZone (Mike Piazza's Strike Zone)
#MLBPowerPros (MLB Power Pros)
#MLBTheShow (MLB: The Show)
#OOTPBaseball (Out of the Park Baseball 1-25)
#PureSimBaseball (Purse Sim Baseball)
#PureStatBaseball (Pure-Stat Baseball)
#PursueThePennant (Pursue the Pennant)
#RadioBaseball (Radio Baseball)
#SammySosaSoftballSlam (Sammy Sosa Softball Slam)
#SeasonTicketBaseball (Season Ticket Baseball 2003)
#StarLeagueBaseball (Star League Baseball)
#StratOMaticBaseball (Strat-O-Matic Baseball)
#StreetSportsBaseball (Street Sports Baseball)
#TheMajors (The Majors: Pro Baseball)
#TheSlugger (The Slugger)
#TonyLaRussaBaseball (Tony La Russa's Ultimate Baseball, Tony La Russa Baseball 2, Tony La Russa Baseball 3, Tony La Russa Baseball 4, La Russa Baseball 95)
#TriplePlay (Triple Play '97, Triple Play '98, Triple Play '99, Triple Play 2000, Triple Play 2001)
#VRBaseball (VR Baseball 2000)