Bitmap Books
Hurt Me Plenty is a celebration of nearly 220 PC, console, handheld and arcade games that were released between 2003-2010.
Following the genre’s meteoric rise over the previous decade, by 2003 First-Person Shooters had begun to diverge into big-budget blockbusters like Call of Duty, DOOM 3 and Half-Life 2, versus quirky surprises such as FireStarter, Cryostasis and Moon. Featuring in-depth research and hundreds of screenshots, Hurt Me Plenty covers both classic and obscure titles, alongside trends like the proliferation of multiplayer-only shooters, what digital distribution meant to games, the shift from WW2 to modern warfare, and a look at First-Person Shooters that were never released.
English | Hardcover | TBD | 2025 | 464 |
Hurt Me Plenty: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 2003–2010
Authors/Narrators: N/A
Publishers: #BitmapBooks (Bitmap Books)
Languages: #English
Format: #Hardcover
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2025
Genres: #Compendium #FPS #PCGaming
Public Figures:
#EricBiessman (Eric Biessman)
#GarryNewman (Garry Newman)
#JeepBarnett (Jeep Barnett)
#KenLevine (Ken Levine)
#MinhLe (Minh Le)
#RobinWalker (Robin Walker)
#StephenKick (Stephen Kick)
#SamuelVillarreal (Samuel Villarreal)
#TimWillits (Tim Willits)
#ZiedRieke (Zied Rieke)
#Alcatraz (Alcatraz)
#Alien (Aliens vs. Predator)
#AloneInTheDark (Alone in the Dark)
#AlphaPrime (Alpha Prime)
#Area51 (Area-51, BlackSite: Area 51)
#ArenaChampion (Arena Champion: Erotic Game)
#Arma (Arma II)
#Ashen (Ashen)
#Battlefield (Battlefield 2, Battlefield: Bad Company, Battlefield: Vietnam)
#BetOnSoldierBloodSport (Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport)
#BioShock (BioShock 2)
#Black (Black)
#BlacklightTangoDown (Blacklight: Tango Down)
#BloodyGoodTime (Bloody Good Time)
#BoilingPoint (Boiling Point: Road to Hell)
#Borderlands (Borderlands)
#Breakdown (Breakdown)
#Breed (Breed)
#BrothersInArms (Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30)
#Cabelas(Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts)
#CallOfCthulhu (Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth)
#CallOfDuty (Call of Duty, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)
#CallOfJuarez (Call of Juarez)
#CelestialImpact (Celestial Impact)
#CellFactor (CellFactor: Revolution)
#Chaser (Chaser)
#ChexQuest (Chex Quest 3)
#ChroniclesOfAVampireHunter (Chronicles of a Vampire Hunter)
#ChroniclesOfRiddick (Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay)
#CliveBarkersJericho (Clive Barker’s Jericho)
#CodedArms (Coded Arms)
#CodenameNina (Codename: Nina – Global Terrorism Strike Force)
#CombatZone (Combat Zone: Special Forces)
#Commandos (Commandos: Strike Force)
#Condemned (Condemned, Condemned: Criminal Origins)
#Conflict (Conflict: Denied Ops)
#ContractJACK (Contract: J.A.C.K.)
#CrimesOfWar (Crimes of War)
#CrossFire (CrossFire)
#Cryostasis (Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason)
#Crysis (Crysis)
#Cube2Sauerbraten (Cube 2: Sauerbraten)
#DaemonSummoner (Daemon Summoner)
#DarkSalvation (Dark Salvation)
#DarkestOfDays (Darkest of Days)
#Darkwatch (Darkwatch)
#DayOfDefeat (Day of Defeat)
#DeltaForce (Delta Force: Black Hawk Down)
#DementiumTheWard (Dementium: The Ward)
#DeusEx (Deus Ex: Invisible War)
#Devastation (Devastation: Resistance Breeds Revolution)
#Doom (DOOM 3)#DoubleClutch (Double Clutch)
#Dreamkiller (Dreamkiller)
#Euthanasia (Euthanasia)
#EvilResistance (Evil Resistance: Morning of the Dead)
#ExodusFromTheEarth (Exodus from the Earth)
#FEAR (F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon)
#Fallout (Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas)
#FarCry (Far Cry, Far Cry Instincts: Predator)
#FireStarter (FireStarter)
#Frontlines (Frontlines: Fuel of War)
#GarrysMod (Garry’s Mod)
#Geist (Geist)
#GhostInTheShell (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex)
#HalfLife (Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Survivor, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero – Deleted Scenes, Counter-Strike: NEO)
#Halo (Halo 2, Halo 3: ODST)
#Haze (Haze)
#HellForces (HellForces)
#Hellgate (Hellgate: London)
#HiddenAndDangerous (Hidden & Dangerous 2)
#HiddenTarget (Hidden Target)
#IceNine (Ice Nine)
InhabitedIsland (Inhabited Island: Prisoner of Power)
Instinct (Instinct)
IronGripWarlord (Iron Grip: Warlord)
#JamesBond (James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace, GoldenEye 007, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent)
JointOperations (Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising)
JonathanKane (Jonathan Kane: The Protector)
JudgeDredd (Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death)
JurassicTheHunted (Jurassic: The Hunted)
KillingFloor (Killing Floor)
Killzone (Killzone)
#Kkrieger (.Kkrieger: Chapter 1)
Kwari (Kwari)
Left4Dead (Left 4 Dead)
Legendary (Legendary)
LineOfSight (Line of Sight: Vietnam)
Liquidator (Liquidator 2: Welcome to Hell)
MaceGriffin (Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter)
MadSecta (MadSecta)
#MightAndMagic (Dark Messiah: Might and Magic)
Onslaught (Onslaught)
OpenArena (OpenArena)
OperationFlashpoint (Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising)
OperationUbersoldat (Operation Ubersoldat)
OperationWolfsburg (Operation Wolfsburg)
OperationMatriarchy (Operation: Matriarchy)
Painkiller (Painkiller)
Pariah (Pariah)
PenguinsArenaSednasWorld (Penguins Arena: Sedna’s World)
PenumbraOverture (Penumbra: Overture)
PerfectDark (Perfect Dark Zero)
PeterJacksonsKingKong (Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie)
PhosphorBeta (Phosphor Beta)
PiratesVikingsAndKnights (Pirates, Vikings and Knights II)
PlanetSide (PlanetSide)
Portal (Portal)
Postal2 (Postal²)
ThePrecursors (The Precursors)
Prey (Prey)
#ProjectIGI (I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike)
ProjectSnowblind (Project: Snowblind)
Psychotoxic (Psychotoxic)
ThePunisher (The Punisher: No Mercy)
#Quake (Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Quake 4, Quake Live)
RatHunter (Rat Hunter)
RavenSquad (Raven Squad: Operation Hidden Dagger)
RedOrchestra (Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45)
RedSteel (Red Steel)
Resistance (Resistance: Fall of Man)
RetributionEngine (Retribution Engine)
RobertDAndersonAndTheLegacyOfCthulhu (Robert D. Anderson & The Legacy of Cthulhu)
RoboCop (RoboCop)
RogueWarrior (Rogue Warrior)
STALKER (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl)
SASSecureTomorrow (SAS: Secure Tomorrow)
ScorpionDisfigured (Scorpion: Disfigured)
SecretService (Secret Service)
Section8 (Section 8)
SeriousSam (Serious Sam 2)
ShadowOps (Shadow Ops: Red Mercury)
Shadowrun (Shadowrun)
ShatteredHorizon (Shattered Horizon)
Shellshock (Shellshock 2: Blood Trails)
SiNEpisodesEmergence (SiN Episodes: Emergence)
Singularity (Singularity)
SmokinGun (Smokin’ Gun)
Sniper (Sniper: Art of Victory, Sniper: Ghost Warrior)
SoldierOfFortune (Soldier of Fortune: Payback)
TheStalinSubway (The Stalin Subway)
StarTrek (Star Trek: Elite Force II)
StarWars (Star Wars: Battlefront, Star Wars: Republic Commando)
StarshipTroopers (Starship Troopers)
SWAT4 (SWAT 4, SWAT: Global Strike Team)
TeamFortress (Team Fortress 2)
TECNOTheBase (TECNO: The Base)
Terminator3RiseOfTheMachines (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines)
#TheBall (The Ball)
#TheConduit (The Conduit)
#TheDarkness (The Darkness)
#TheDinoHunters (The DinoHunters)
Thief (Thief: Deadly Shadows)
TimeShift (TimeShift)
TimeSplitters (TimeSplitters: Future Perfect)
GhostRecon (Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter)
RainbowSix (Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas)
Tribes (Tribes: Vengeance)
Tron (TRON 2.0)
TurningPoint (Turning Point: Fall of Liberty)
Turok (Turok)
TwinSector (Twin Sector)
UberSoldier (ÜberSoldier II, ÜberSoldier II: The End of Hitler)
UberStrike (UberStrike)
UltimateSacrifice (Ultimate Sacrifice)
Unreal (Unreal II: The Awakening, Unreal Tournament 2004)
UrbanChaos (Urban Chaos: Riot Response)
UrbanTerror (Urban Terror)
UtopiaCity (Utopia City)
VampireTheMasquerade (Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines)
Velian (Velian)
Vietcong (Vietcong)
VirtualBattlespace (Virtual Battlespace)
Vivisector (Vivisector: Beast Within)
WarInParadise (War in Paradise)
WarRock (War Rock)
Warhammer (Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior)
WaterWarfare (Water Warfare)
WillRock (Will Rock)
#Wolfenstein (Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory)
WorldOfPADMAN (World of PADMAN)
Xenus (Xenus, Xenus II: White Gold)
YouAreEmpty (You Are Empty)
ZenoClash (Zeno Clash)