Nikolis Asimakis (Author), Maria Spyropoulou (Design), Chris Picone (Contributor), David Krushak-Green (Contributor), Martin Firbacher (Contributor)
Discover the world of indie game development with Nikolis Asmakis' book, "Into The Indies"!
Featuring 51 in-depth interviews with indie game developers hailing from 31 diverse countries, this collection is a treasure trove of insights and guidance for aspiring creators.
Author Nikolis Asmakis not only delves into the unique journeys of these developers but also distills their experiences into practical wisdom. Responding to 8 insightful questions, he uncovers the essence of their stories:
1) What made you want to become an indie dev?
2) What are some misconceptions you had early on you no longer have?
3) What are three things that you were expecting to be harder and three to be easier but were not so?
4) What was a notable mistake you made and how you moved past it?
5) From a financial standpoint, what are your professional insights? Is this a valid career path to pursue or is it reserved for success stories only?
6) Any thoughts and tips on how to build a community around your projects?
7) Crowdfunding. Yay or nay and why?
8)What advice would you have for an aspiring indie dev at this particular point in time?
English | Hardcover | 9798359734172 | 2023 | 210 |
English | Paperback | 9798376289204 | 2023 | 210 |
English | eBook | 9798359734172 | 2023 | 210 |
Publishers: #SpielmannSolutions (Spielmann Solutions GmbH)
Languages: #English
Format: #Hardcover #Paperback #eBook
Accessibility: #TextToSpeech #ScreenReader #EnhancedTypesetting
Year: #Year2023
Genres: #GameDesign #Indie #Interviews
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