Scott Steinberg
Lawsuits. Scandals. Billion-dollar payouts. Giant plastic Stratocasters. Welcome to the weird, wild and whacked-out world of music video games - every bit as glorious and gonzo as the legendary bands and songs that have inspired its hard-partying ways.
Rocking its way to the top of the video game charts faster than any genre before, music and rhythm gaming had become a $1.7 billion industry and breakout hit by 2008. But despite heavyweight co-signs by acts like The Beatles and Metallica, inspiring millions of everyday fans and transforming the very face of pop culture, the genre had all but single-handedly sunk the game industry's fortunes just a year later.
Chronicling the meteoric rise and fall of music video games, Music Games Rock: Rhythm Gaming's Greatest Hits of All Time is the first book to explore the field's history, origins and most spectacular hits and flops. Offering an inside look at rhythm gaming's hottest headliners and oddest one-hit wonders - including exclusive tour stories from the creators of Guitar Hero and Rock Band - it's your backstage pass behind the scenes of the game industry's hottest act.
Hundreds of Music Gaming's Greatest Hits and Misses
The Making of Guitar Hero and Rock Band
Complete History: Music Games' Past, Present and Future
Top Picks: Best, Worst and Weirdest Music and Rhythm Games
Software Timeline: Genre's Hottest Smashes
Essays By Leading Video Game Critics
Foreword By Alex Rigopulos, Co-Creator, Guitar Hero and Rock Band
English | Paperback | | 9781105032950 | 2011 | 92 |
English | eBook | | N/A | 2011 | 92 |
Authors: #ScottSteinberg
Publishers: #PowerPlayPublishing (Power Play Publishing)
Languages: #English
Accessibility: #EnhancedTypesetting #ScreenReader #TextToSpeech
Year: #Year2011
Genres: #GameStudies #Music
Public Figures:
#Amplitude (Amplitude)
#Audiosurft (Audiosurf)
#Audition (Audition Online)
#Beatmania (Beatmania)
#Bemani (#DDR (Dance Dance Revolution)
#BreakDance (Break Dance)
#BritneysDanceBeat (Britney's Dance Beat)
#BustAGroove (Bust A Groove)
#CPUBach (CPU Bach)
#CrüeBall (Crüe Ball)
#DanceAerobics (Dance Aerobics)
#DanceCentral (Dance Central)
#DefJam (Def Jam: Vendetta, Def Jam: Rapstar)
#DJHero (DJ Hero)
#DJMax (DJMax)
#DonkeyKong (Donky Konga)
#Drummania (Drummania)
#Electroplankton (Electroplankton)
#EliteBeatAgents (Elite Beat Agents)
#FrankieGoesToHollywood (Frankie Goes To Hollywood)
#Frequency (Frequency)
#GuitarFreaks (GuitarFreaks)
#GuitarHero (Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero: World Tour)
#GuitarooMan (Guitaroo Man)
#JamWithTheBand (Jam With The Band)
#JustDance (Just Dance)
#KaraokeRevolution (Karaoke Revolution)
#KissPsychoCircus (Kiss Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child)
#Lips (Lips)
#Loom (Loom)
#MadMaestro (Mad Maestro)
#MajorMinor (Major Minor's Majestic March)
#Mario (Mario Paint)
#MichaelJacksonTheExperience (Michael Jackson: The Experience)
#Moonwalker (Michael Jackson's Moonwalker)
#Motörhead (Motörhead)
#MTVMusicGenerator (MTV Music Generator)
#Musika (Musika)
#Otocky (Otocky)
#PaRappaTheRapper (PaRappa The Rapper)
#Phase (Phase: Your Music Is The Game)
#PopNMusic (Pop 'N Music)
#QuestForFame (Quest For Fame)
#RevolutionX (Revolution X)
#Rez (Rez)
#RhythmHeaven (Rhythm Heaven)
#RockBand (Rock Band, Rock Band 2, The Beatles: Rock Band, Rock Band 3)
#RockNRollRacing (Rock N' Roll Racing)
#Rocksmith (Rocksmith)
#Rockstar (Rockstar)
#RockStarAteMyHamster (Rock Star Ate My Hamster)
#SambaDeAmigo (Samba De Amigo)
#SexNDrugsNRockNRoll (Sex 'N Drugs 'N Rock 'N Roll)
#SimTunes (SimTunes)
#SingStar (SingStar)
#SnoopDoggBoxing (Snoop Dogg Boxing)
#SpaceChannel5 (Space Channel 5)
#TaikoDrumMaster (Taiko Drum Master)
#TapTap (Tap Tap Revenge)
#Traxxpad (Traxxpad: Portable Studio)
#UmJammerLammy (Um Jammer Lammy)
#Unison (Unison)
#VibRibbon (Vib-Ribbon)
#WiiMusic (Wii Music)
#WuTangShaolinStyle (Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style)
#MiraclePiano (Miracle Piano Teaching System)