Christophe Delpierre
More than 30 years after its creation, Player One is back for a final tribute! Because legends never die...
1987. As the world begins its home stretch before the new millennium, as techno music becomes popular in the same way as Club Dorothée, as today is still marked by yesterday but clearly turned towards tomorrow, Alain Kahn, a forty-year-old computer enthusiast, throws himself body and soul into the specialized press sector. At the origin of the official magazines Amstrad PC and Amstrad Cent Pour Cent, the audacious entrepreneur does not know it yet, but he is about to turn a whole generation upside down. Starting with them...
They are young (and refreshing). Enthusiasts. Willingly atypical. Sometimes downright crazy. They wear wide jeans and have weird nicknames (or names): Shrimp, Iggy, Chris Fighter, Matt Murdock, Mahalia, Elwood, Ness, Féthi, Bubu... Their origins are diverse, their paths heterogeneous, their backgrounds sometimes opposing social groups. Nothing predisposed them to meet. Nothing, except for this flame that consumes them from the inside and… for this left thumb that is too sensitive due to friction : the stigma of video games! No luck: Captain Kahn is in search of new lands to conquer and immediately embarks them on its gleaming ship to give life to a 100% console magazine: Player One !
Launched in September 1990, the very year when video game enthusiasts welcomed the Super Famicom in Japan, the Mega Drive in Europe or the flamboyant Neo·Geo system (it was still really long before!), Player One signs the beginning of a fabulous human adventure. But beware ! The fever that animates the editorial dream team proves to be extremely contagious , and it strikes the curious who approach it. The all-consuming passion that emanates from each page hits the mark. Readers take ownership of the magazine. The big Player family was born!
More than three decades after its creation, Pix'n Love invites you to dive back into the fabulous history of this iconic magazine in the company of those who made our eyes shine and our hearts capsize: testimonials, anecdotes, memories, stolen photos brand new and more. Player One is back for a final tribute...
French | Hardcover | | 9782371881365 | 2023 | 304 |
Player One - L'ultime hommage
Authors: #ChristopheDelpierre
Publishers: #PixNLove (Pix 'N Love)
Languages: #French
Format: #Hardcover
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2023
Genres: N/A
Public Figures:
#AlainKahn (Alain Kahn)
#ArnaudChaudron (Arnaud "Caffeine" Chaudron)
#BarbaraJobRemy (Barbara "Barbie" Job-Remy)
#BenjaminJanssensBenji (Benjamin "Benji| Janssens)
#BrunoProvezza (Bruno "Peav" Provezza)
#ChristopheMolignier (Christophe Molignier)
#ChristophePottier (Christophe "Stonehenge/Wolfen" Pottier)
#ClaireSaunois (Claire "Yoda" Saunois)
#CyrilDrevet (Cyril "Shrimp" Drevet)
#CyrilDupont (Cyril "Terry" Dupont)
#CyrilleTessier (Cyrille Tessier)
#DanielAndreyev (Daniel "Kamui" Andreyev)
#DavidRicardo (David Ricardo)
#DavidTene (David Tene)
#DenisAdloff (Denis "Chon" Adloff)
#EdwinMarin (Edwin Marin)
#ElisabethWateau (Elisabeth "Babeth" Wateau)
#EmmanuelVegliona (Emmanuel Vegliona)
#FethiMaayoufi (Fethi Maayoufi)
#FlorenceLeDerf (Florence Le Derf)
#FrancoisDaniel (Francois "Wonder Fra" Daniel)
#FrancoisTarrain (Francois "Elwood" Tarrain)
#HuguesMartin (Hugues Martin)
#JeanFrancoisMorisse (Jean-Francois "TSR" Morisse)
#JeanFrancoisVié (Jean-Francois "Caliméro" Vié)
#JeanPierreAbidal (Jean-Pierre "Megadeth" Abidal)
#jessyferrari (Jessy Ferrari)
#JohnSantoni (John Santoni)
#JulienChieze (Julien Chieze)
#JulienGuerbe (Julien "Morgan" Guerbe)
#JulienVandeSteene (Julien "Milouse" Van de Steene)
#LaurentCyssau (Laurent Cyssau)
#MahaliaRouilly (Mahalia Rouilly)
#MarcLacombe (Marc "Marcus" Lacombe)
#NezhiaBoubekri (Nezhia "Ness" Boubekri)
#OlivierRichard (Olivier "Inoshiro" Richard)
#OlivierScamps (Olivier "Iggy" Scamps)
#OlivierVatine (Olivier Vatine)
#PatrickGiordano (Patrick "Matt Murdock" Giordano)
#PierreGaultier (Pierre Gaultier)
#PierreValls (Pierre "Pedro" Valls)
#QuelouParente (Quelou Parente)
#ReydaSeddiki (Reyda Seddiki)
#SebastienJarry (Sebastien Jarry)
#StephaneBuret (Stephane "Bubu" Buret)
#StephanePhilippon (Stephane Philippon)
#StéphanePilet (Stéphane "Stef Le Flou" Pilet)
#ValeriePrecigout (Valerie "Romendil" Precigout)
#VéroniqueBoissarie (Véronique "Miss VTM" Boissarie)
#WilliamOfCasaban (William of Casaban)
#XavierLambert (Xavier "Billoo/Grosbill/Xabert" Lambert)
#YassineAboudihaj (Yassine "Yas/Yaz" Aboudihaj)
#YouriLenquette (Youri Lenquette)
#Magazines (Gaming Magazines)