TV Game Museum Project
Released in Japan in 1988, this book contains a compendium of games, companies and industry figures from all genres and generations - with a heavy focus on North American releases. It is a ring binding with 3 separate rows of flippable cards. The top row is dedicated to video game history; the middle to creator interviews and featurettes; and the bottom to 200 top video games.
Japanese | Paperback | | 9784946432316 | 1988 | 248 |
Authors: N/A
Publishers: #UPU (U.P.U.) #TVGameMuseumProject (TV Game Museum Project)
Languages: #Japanese
Format: #Paperback
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year1988
#Accolade (Accolade, Inc.)
#Activision (Activision)
#Artdink (Artdink)
#ASCII (ASCII Corporation)
#Atari (Atari Corporation)
#AvalonHillGames (Avalon Hill Games Co.)
#Bandai (Bandai)
#BeagleBros (Beagle Bros)
#Bothtec (Bothtec)
#Broderbund (Broderbund Software, Inc.)
#BulletProofSoftware (Bullet Proof Software)
#ChatNoir (Chat Noir)
#EA (EA, Electronic Arts)
#EnzanHoshigumi (Enzan-Hoshigumi Co., Ltd.)
#Epyx (Epyx, Inc.)
#FirebirdSoftware (Firebird Software)
#FreefallAssociates (Freefall Associates)
#GameArtsCo (Game Arts Co., Ltd.)
#GameStudio (Game Studio)
#Hudson (Hudson)
#Infocom (Infocom, Inc.)
#Irem (Irem Corporation)
#Koei (Koei Co., Ltd.)
#KogadoStudio (Kogado Studio)
#Konami (Konami Co., Ltd.)
#LucasArts (Lucasfilm, Ltd.)
#MasterDesigner (Master Designer Software Inc.)
#Mindscape (Mindscape, Inc.)
#MuseSoftware (Muse Software)
#Namco (Namco)
#NihonFalcom (Nihon Falcom)
#Nintendo (Nintendo)
#OptimumResourceInc (Optimum Resource, Inc.)
#OriginSystems (Origins Systems, Inc.)
#Sega (Sega)
#Sierra (Sierra On-Line, Inc.)
#SiliconBeachSoftware (Silicon Beach Software, Inc.)
#SiriusSoftware (Sirius Software)
#SirTech (Sir-Tech Software)
#SquareEnix (Enix, Square)
#StrategicSimulations (Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
#SublogicComputerCorporation (Sublogic Computer Corporation)
#SynapseSoftware (Synapse Software)
#Taito (Taito Corporation)
#TESoft (T&E Soft Inc.)
#TheLearningCompany (The Learning Company)
#WilliamsElectronics (Williams Electronics Games, Inc.)
Public Figures:
#AlanMiller (Alan R. Miller)
#BillBudge (Bill Budge)
#BillWilliams (Bill Williams)
#CriCrowford (Cri Crowford)
#DanBunten (Dan Bunten)
#DanGorlin (Dan Gorlin)
#DavidCrane (David Crane)
#DavidFox (David Fox)
#DonBluth (Don Bluth)
#DouglasAdams (Douglas Noel Adams)
#DouglasCarlston (Douglas G. Carlston)
#Edlogg (Ed Logg)
#EugeneJarvis (Eugene Jarvis)
#GarryKitchen (Garry Kitchen)
#HaruomiHosono (Haruomi Hosono [細野 晴臣])
#HibikiGodai (Hibiki Godai)
#KazunoriSawano (Kazunori Sawano)
#KazuoMorita (Kazuo Morita)
#KenWilliams (Ken Williams)
#KoichiNakamura (Koichi Nakamura [中村 光一])
#KoichiSugiyama (Koichi Sugiyama [すぎやま こういち])
#MarkFlint (Mark F. Flint)
#MasanobuEndō (Masanobu Endō [遠藤 雅伸])
#NasirGebelli (Nasir Gebelli)
#NolanBushnell (Nolan Bushnell)
#PaulMurray (Paul Murray)
#RichardGarriott (Richard "Lord British" Garriott)
#RobertaWilliams (Roberta Williams)
#RobHubbard (Rob Hubbard)
#SatoshiHonda (Satoshi Honda [(本田悟史])
#SatoshiTajiri (Satoshi Tajiri [田尻 智])
#ShigeruMiyamoto (Shigeru Miyamoto [宮本 茂])
#ShigesatoItoi (Shigesato Itoi [糸井 重里])
#SteveCartwright (Steve Cartwright)
#TakanariSuzuki (Takanari Suzuki)
#TatsumiKimishima (Tatsumi Kimishima [君島 達己])
#TimothyLeary (Timothy Leary)
#TomohiroNishikado (Tomohiro Nishikado [西角 友宏])
#TomSnyder (Tom Snyder)
#TonySuzuki (Tony Suzuki)
#ToruIwatani (Toru Iwatani [岩谷 徹])
#ToshioIwai (Toshio Iwai [岩井 俊雄])
#TripHawkins (Trip Hawkins)
#TsunekazuIshihara (Tsunekazu Ishihara [石原恒和])
#YoshioKiya (Yoshio Kiya [木屋善夫])
#YujiHorii (Yuji Horii [堀井 雄二])
#YujiNaka (Yuji Naka [中 裕司])
#Airheart (Airheart)
#AliBaba (Ali-Baba and the 40 Thieves)
#AlterEgo (Alter Ego)
#AncientArtOfWar (Ancient Art of War)
#Ankh (Ankh)
#Archon (Archon)
#Asteroids (Asteroids)
#ATrain (A-Train [A列車で行こう])
#Aztec (Aztec)
#BabylonianCastleSaga (The Tower of Druaga)
#BalanceOfPower (Balance of Power)
#Ballblazer (Ballblazer)
#Bandits (Bandits)
#BattleBird (Battle Bird)
#Battlezone (Battlezone)
#BeagleBag (Beagle Bag)
#Blockade (Blockade)
#BombBee (Bomb Bee)
#BoulderDash (Boulder Dash)
#Breakout (Breakout)
#BreakStreet (Break Street)
#CarmenSandiego (Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?)
#Centipede (Centipede)
#Chipwits (Chipwits)
#Chivalry (Chivalry)
#Choplifter (Choplifter!)
#Circus (Circus)
#ComputerBaseball (Computer Baseball)
#CosmicBalance (Cosmic Balance)
#CrazyClimber (Crazy Climber)
#CrisisMountain (Crisis Mountain)
#CrystalCastle (Crystal Castle)
#CytronMasters (Cytron Masters)
#Daisenryaku (Gendai Daisenryaku [現代大戦略])
#Darius (Darius)
#DarkCastle (Dark Castle)
#Deadline (Deadline)
#Defender (Defender)
#DefenderOfTheCrown (Defend of the Crown)
#DigDug (Dig Dug)
#DokiDokiPanic (Yumekoujou DokiDoki Panic)
#DonkeyKong (Donkey Kong)
#DoorDoor (Door Door)
#DragonQuest (Dragon Quest II)
#DragonsLair (Dragon's Lair)
#DuelingDigits (Dueling Digits)
#DungeonsAndDragons (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons)
#Eamon (Eamon)
#EasternFront (Eastern Front 1941)
#Elite (Elite)
#Eliza (Eliza)
#Emmy (Emmy2)
#Encounter (Encounter!)
#EncounterAnAdultComedy (Encounter - An Adult Comedy)
#Epoch (Epoch)
#Fantavision (Fantavision)
#Firebird (Firebird)
#FireFox (Fire Fox)
#FlightSimulator (Flight Simulator 2)
#Fortress (Fortress)
#Frogger (Frogger)
#FrontLine (Front Line)
#GalacticTrader (Galactic Trader)
#GalaxyWars (Galaxy Wars)
#GatewayToApshai (Gateway to Apshai)
#Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters)
#Gradius (Gradius)
#Gravitar (Gravitar)
#Gumball (Gumball)
#Habitat (Habitat)
#Hacker (Hacker)
#Hangman (Hangman)
#HeadOn (Head On)
#HeiankyoAlien (Heiankyo Alien)
#HogansAlley (Hogan's Alley)
#HokkaidouRensaSatsujin (Hokkaidou Rensa Satsujin: Ohotsuku ni Kiyu (北海道連鎖殺人 オホーツクに消ゆ])
#Hydlide (Hydlide)
#InstantMusic (Instant Music)
#IRobot (I, Robot)
#Joust (Joust)
#Kaboom (Kaboom!)
#Karateka (Karateka)
#Kineko (Kineko)
#KingsQuest (King's Quest)
#KunioKun (Renegade [熱血硬派くにおくん])
#LawOfTheWest (Law of the West)
#Life (Life)
#LittleComputerPeople (Little Computer People)
#LodeRunner (Lode Runner)
#LunarLander (Lunar Lander)
#MacPlaymate (Mac Playmate)
#MacShodou (Mac Shodou)
#ManicWilly (Miner 2049er)
#MarbleMadness (Marble Madness)
#Mario (Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.)
#MaxHeadroom (Max Headroom)
#MegaWars (Mega Wars)
#Metroid (Metroid)
#Microbe (Microbe)
#MicrosoftDecathalon (Microsoft Decathalon)
#MightAndMagic (Might and Magic)
#MindMirror (Mind Mirror)
#Mindwalker (Mindwalker)
#MissileCommand (Missile Command)
#MonacoGrandPrix (Monaco Grand-Prix)
#MoonCresta (Moon Cresta)
#MoritaKazuoNoShogi (Morita Kazuo no Shogi)
#MULE (M.U.L.E.)
#MysteryHouse (Mystery House)
#Necromancer (Necromancer)
#NightDriver (Night Driver)
#NobunagasAmbition (Nobunaga's Ambition)
#OneOnOne (One on One)
#Otocky (Otocky)
#OutPost (Out Post)
#Outrun (Outrun)
#PacMan (Pac-Land, Pac-Man)
#PinballConstructionSet (Pinball Construction Set)
#Pitfall (Pitfall!)
#PolePosition (Pole Position)
#Pong (Pong)
#Pooyan (Pooyan)
#Portal (Portal)
#PresidentElect (President Elect)
#ProBaseball (Pro Baseball: Family Stadium [Pro Yakyū: Family Stadium])
#PunchOut (Punch-Out!!
#PuppyLove (Puppy Love)
#QBert (Q*Bert)
#Qix (Qix)
#Racter (Racter)
#RasterBlaster (Raster Blaster)
#Reactor (Reactor)
#RealmOfImpossibility (Realm of Impossibility)
#Relax (Relax)
#Relics (Relics)
#RescueOnFractalus (Rescue on Fractalus!)
#RingsOfZilfin (Rings of Zilfin)
#RobodyOdyssey (Robot Odyssey 1)
#RobotWar (Robot War)
#Robotron (Robotron 2084)
#Rogue (Rogue)
#RType (R-Type)
#RunForTheMoney (Run For The Money)
#Sabatoge (Sabatoge)
#SamanthaFoxStripPoker (Samantha Fox Strip Poker)
#Scramble (Scramble)
#Serenade (Serenade)
#SevenCitiesOfGold (Seven Cities of Gold)
#Shamus (Shamus: Case II)
#Sheriff (Sheriff)
#ShinOnigashima (Famicom Mukashibanashi: Shin Onigashima [ふぁみこん昔話 新・鬼ヶ島])
#Sinbad (Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon)
#SkyBlazer (Sky Blazer)
#SnakeByte (Snake Byte)
#SoftpornAdventure (Softporn Adventuer)
#Sokoban (Sokoban [倉庫番])
#SpaceHarrier (Space Harrier)
#SpaceInvaders (Space Invaders)
#SpaceWars (Space Wars)
#SpyVsSpy (Spy vs. Spy)
#StarFire (Star Fire)
#Starglider (Starglider)
#StarRaiders (Star Raiders)
#StarTreck (Star Trek)
#StarWars (Star Wars)
#Sundog (Sundog - Frozen Legacy)
#Surgeon (Surgeon)
#Swashbuckler (Swashbuckler)
#TassTimesInTonetown (Tass Times in Tonetown)
#Tempest (Tempest)
#Tennis (Tennis)
#Tetris (Tetris)
#TheBlackOnyx (The Black Onyx)
#TheCastle (The Castle)
#TheHalleyProject (The Halley Project)
#TheMaskOfTheSun (The Mask of the Sun)
#Thexder (Thexder)
#ThreeMileIsland (Three Mile Island)
#TokyoNanpaStreet (Tokyo Nanpa Street)
#Ultima (Ultima IV)
#Uninvited (Uninvited)
#VideoEasel (Video Easel)
#Warlords (Warlords)
#WayOut (Way Out)
#WillyByte (Willy Byte in the Digital Dimension)
#WizardOfWords (Wizard of Words)
#WizardsCrown (Wizard's Crown)
#Wizardry (Wizardry)
#Wolfenstein (Castle Wolfenstein)
#Worms (Worms?)
#Xanadu (Xanadu)
#Xevious (Xevious)
#Zanac (Zanac)
#Zaxxon (Zaxxon)
#Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
#Zork (Zork)