Jerry Ellis
Hundreds of games were released in the '80s and early '90s as tie-ins with some of the world's most popular films, books, pop groups, television programmes, comics, tabletop RPGs and high-street brands.
Author Jerry Ellis mounts a defiant, 150,000-word defence of one of the most unfairly frowned-upon trends of the electronic gaming industry's formative years.
English | Hardcover | | N/A | 2017 | 300 |
English | Paperback | | N/A | 2017 | 300 |
Authors: #JerryEllis
Publishers: #GolemBooks (Golem Books)
Languages: #English
Format: #Hardcover #Paperback
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2017
Genres: #Compendium #MediaTieIn
Public Figures:
#ActionBiker (Action Biker)
#Alf (Alf)
#Alien (Alien, Aliens, Alien 3)
#ANightmareOnElmStreet (A Nightmare on Elm Street)
#Arachnophobia (Arachnophobia)
#AttackOfTheKillerTomatoes (Attack of the Killer Tomatoes)
#BackToTheFuture (Back to the Future, Back to the Future Part II, Back to the Future Part III)
#Batman (Batman, Batman - The Movie)
#BeverlyHillsCop (Beverly Hills Cop)
#Biggles (Biggles)
#BigTroubleLittleChina (Big Trouble Little China)
#BillAndTed (Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure)
#BladeRunner (Blade Runner)
#Blockbusters (Blockbusters)
#BlueThunder (Blue Thunder)
#BraveStarr (BraveStarr)
#BruceLee (Bruce Lee)
#Chiller (Chiller)
#Cobra (Cobra)
#Conan (Conan: Hall of Volta)
#CoolWorld (Cool World)
#Darkman (Darkman)
#DaysOfThunder (Days of Thunder)
#DeathWish (Death Wish 3)
#DickTracy (Dick Tracy)
#DieHard (Die Hard, Die Hard 2)
#DonaldDuck (Donald Duck)
#Duel (Duel)
#Elvira (Elvira - Mistress of the Dark)
#ET (E.T. Phone Home)
#FantasticVoyage (Fantastic Voyage)
#FlashGordon (Flash Gordon)
#Frankenstein (Bride of Frankenstein)
#FridayThe13th (Friday the 13th)
#Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II)
#GiveMyRegardsToBroadStreet (Give My Regards to Broad Street)
#Godzilla (Godzilla)
#Gremlins (Gremlins, Gremlins 2)
#Groucho (My Name is Uncle Groucho)
#Highlander (Highlander)
#Highnoon (Highnoon)
#HowardTheDuck (Howard the Duck)
#HudsonHawk (Hudson Hawk)
#IanBothamsTestMatch (Ian Botham's Test Match)
#IndianaJones (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)
#JamesBond (A View to a Kill, Licence to Kill, Live and Let Die, The Spy Who Loved Me, The Living Daylights)
#Jaws (Jaws)
#Jetsons (Jetsons: The Movie)
#KingKong (Killer Gorilla (King Kong), King Kong 2)
#Knightmare (Knightmare)
#KungFuMaster (Kung Fu Master)
#Labyrinth (Labyrinth)
#LaurelAndHardy (Laurel & Hardy)
#LethalWeapon (Lethal Weapon)
#LoneWolf (Lon Wolf)
#Macbeth (Macbeth: The Computer Adventure)
#MastersOfTheUniverse (Masters of the Universe - The Movie)
#MaxHeadroom (Max Headroom
#MichaelJackson (Michael Jackson's Moonwalker)
#MickeyMouse (Mickey Mouse)
#Minder (Minder)
#MontyPython (The Quest for the Holy Grail)
#MysteryOfTheNile (Mystery of the Nile) #NavySEALs (Navy SEALs)
#Nightbreed (Nightbreed)
#Nosferatu (Nosferatu the Vampyre)
#PeterPan (Hook)
#Platoon (Platoon)
#Poltergeist (Poltergeist)
#Porkys (Porky's)
#Predator (Predator, Predator 2)
#Psycho (Psycho)
#Rambo (Rambo, Rambo III)
#RedHeat (Red Heat)
#ReturnToOz (Return to Oz)
#RoadRunner (Road Runner)
#Robocop (Robocop, Robocop 2, Robocop 3)
#RocketBall (Rocket Ball)
#Rocky (Rocky)
#RogueTrooper (Rogue Trooper)
#SherlockHolmes (Young Sherlock Holmes)
#ShortCircuit (Short Circuit)
#Sinbad (Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon)
#SpaceCamp (SpaceCamp)
#StarTrek (Star Trek)
#StarWars (Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi)
#SuperGran (Super Gran: The Adventure)
#Superkicks (Chuck Norris Superkicks)
#TheAddamsFamily (The Addams Family)
#TheAdventuresOfBuckarooBanzai (The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai)
#TheBlackCauldron (The Black Cauldron)
#TheDarkCrystal (The Dark Crystal)
#TheDukesOfHazzard (The Dukes of Hazzard)
#TheEvilDead (The Evil Dead)
#TheGoonies (The Goonies)
#TheGreatMouseDetective (Basil the Great Mouse Detective)
#TheHuntForRedOctober (The Hunt for Red October)
#TheLordOfTheRings (The Hobbit)
#TheNeverendingStory (The Neverending Story, The Neverending Story 2)
#TheRockyHorrorPictureShow (The Rocky Horror Show)
#TheRunningMan (The Running Man)
#TheSagaOfErikTheViking (The Saga of Erik the Viking)
#TheTerminator (Terminator 2: Judgement Day)
#TheThreeStooges (The Three Stooges)
#TheUntouchables (The Untouchables)
#TheYoungOnes (The Young Ones)
#TomAndJerry (Tom & Jerry)
#TopGun (Top Gun)
#TotalRecall (Total Recall)
#Tron (Tron)
#TubularBells (Tubular Bells)
#Wargames (Wargames)
#WerewolvesOfLondon (Werewolves of London)
#Westworld (Westworld)
#WhoFramedRogerRabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
#Willow (Willow)