Kate Berens, Geoff Howard
The Rough Guide to Videogames is the ultimate guide to the world’s most addictive pastime. Both a nostalgic look at the past and a celebration of the latest in joystick-wrecking wonders, this book covers the full story from the first arcade machines to the latest digital delights. Easy access to 75 of the greatest games of all time, from Civilization and Pro Evolution Soccer to We Love Katamari and World of Warcraft. The guide profiles the stories behind the software giants, famous creators and the world’s favourite characters, including Mario, Lara Croft and Sonic the Hedgehog. All the gadgets and devices for consoles, hand-helds, phones and PCs are explored as well as the wider world of gaming, from websites and movies to books.
English | Paperback | 9781843539957 | 2008 | 312 |
Authors: #GeoffHoward #KateBerens
Publishers: #RoughGuides (Rough Guides)
Languages: #English
Format: #Paperback
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2008
Genres: #Compendium #GeneralHistory
#Activision (Activision)
#BioWare (BioWare)
#Blizzard (Blizzard Entertainment)
#Capcom (Capcom)
#EA (EA, Electronic Arts)
#Konami (Konami)
#LucasArts (LucasArts)
#Rare (Rare)
#Rockstar (Rockstar)
#SquareEnix (Square Enix)
Public Figures:
#DavidJaffe (David Jaffe)
#HideoKojima (Hideo Kojima)
#PeterMolyneux (Peter Molyneux)
#ShigeruMiyamoto (Shigeru Miyamoto)
#SidMeier (Sid Meier)
#WarrenSpector (Warren Spector)
#WillWright (Will Wright)
#YuSuzuki (Yu Suzuki)
#AnimalCrossing (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
#BaldursGate (Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn)
#Battlefield (Battlefield II)
#BioShock (BioShock)
#BlackAndWhite (Black & White)
#BrokenSword (Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars)
#Burnout (Burnout: Revenge)
#CallOfDuty (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)
#Civilization (Sid Meier's Civilization IV)
#CommandAndConquer (Command & Conquer)
#CompanyOfHeroes (Company of Heroes)
#DeusEx (Deus Ex)
#DevilMayCry (Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening)
#Fallout (Fallout)
#FinalFantasy (#FinalFantasyVII [Final Fantasy 7, FF7, FFVII, Final Fantasy VII], #FinalFantasyXII [Final Fantay 12, FF12, FFXII, Final Fantasy XII])
#FootballManager (Football Manager 2007)
#Freespace (Freespace 2)
#GearsOfWar (Gears of War)
#GodOfWar (God of War)
#GranTurismo (Gran Turismo 5: Prologue - Spec II)
#GrandTheftAuto (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)
#GrimFandango (Grim Fandango)
#GuitarHero (Guitar Hero II)
#HalfLife (Half-Life 2)
#Halo (Halo 3)
#HiddenAndDangerous (Hidden and Dangerous)
#Hitman (Hitman: Blood Money)
#Ico (Ico)
#IL2Sturmovik (IL-2 Sturmovik 1946)
#IndigoProphecy (Indigo Prophecy [Fahrenheit])
#JamesBond (Goldeneye 007)
#Katamari (We Love Katamari)
#LEGO (LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy)
#Mario (#MarioKart [Mario Kart DS], Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy)
#MassEffect (Mass Effect)
#MaxPayne (Max Payne)
#MetalGear (Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots)
#Metroid (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
#MonkeyIsland (Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge)
#NBAStreet (NBA Street v3)
#NinjaGaiden (Ninja Gaiden Sigma)
#Nintendogs (Nintendogs)
#Oddworld (Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath)
#Ōkami (Ōkami)
#PrinceOfPersia (Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time)
#ProEvolutionSoccer (Pro Evolution Soccer 6)
#ProjectGothamRacing (Project Gotham Racing 3)
#Psychonauts (Psychonauts)
#RatchetAndClank (Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction)
#Rez (Rez)
#ShadowOfTheColossus (Shadow of the Colossus)
#SilentHill (Silent Hill 2)
#Skate (Skate)
#SoulCalibur (Soul Calibur II)
#StarWars (LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy)
#StreetFighter (Street Fighter Anniversary Collection)
#SuperSmashBros (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
#Tekken (Tekken 5)
#TimeSplitters (Time Splitters 2)
#TheElderScrolls (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
#TheSims (The Sims)
#TombRaider (Tomb Raider: Legend)
#TotalWar (Rome: Total War)
#Uncharted (Uncharted: Drake's Fortune)
#VirtuaFighter (Virtua Fighter 5)
#VirtuaTennis (Virtua Tennis)
#Warcraft (World of Warcraft)
#ZackAndWiki (Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros' Treasure)
#Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass