Oscar Lemaire
February 21, 1986. A small figure in a green tunic equipped with a shield is surrounded by strange creatures. He suddenly raises his blade and, with a single blow, slays the horde of enemies facing him. His name is Link, and he has one goal: cross the sacred lands of Hyrule in search of Princess Zelda and, at the same time, conquer the hearts of the players!
Three decades later, the hero of The Legend of Zelda continues to fuel our fantasies. It must be said that when it was released, on Famicom Disk System and NES, the first part was able to lay the foundations for a series of video games among the most popular of all time!
Today, Pix'n Love returns to the fascinating history of this license alongside its author, Oscar Lemaire. From the birth of The Legend of Zelda through the Super Nintendo and Game Boy episodes, to the schism caused by the arrival of Ocarina of Time and then Majora's Mask, this exclusive book will take you behind the scenes of the first 15 years of life of this legendary saga, between development secrets, creative process, marketing choices and unusual anecdotes!
What link connects Link and Peter Pan? Why is The Adventure of Link a decidedly atypical entry in the series? Why didn't Shigeru Miyamoto finally integrate the idea of three different worlds in A Link to the Past? How was it decided to abandon the idea of the first-person view of Ocarina of Time?
All these questions and even more will be answered in The History of Zelda , a brand new historical book, the fruit of a fantastic work of research and documentation…
French | Hardcover | | 9782371880429 | 2017 | 350 |
French | Hardcover | Master Edition | 9782371880429 | 2017 | 350 |
Russian | Hardcover | 9785040946020 | 2021 | 432 |
L'Histoire de Zelda vol. 1 - Les origines d'une saga légendaire
История серии Zelda. Рождение и расцвет легенды
Authors: #OscarLemaire
Format: #Hardcover
Accessibility: N/A
Genres: #GeneralHistory #Interviews
#Nintendo (Nintendo)
Public Figures:
#Zelda (The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)