Victor Moisan
The Yakuza video game series isn't just SEGA's most vigorous franchise today. This saga, which has been running since 2005 following an almost annual release rate, shows a rare example of a video game perfectly integrated into the workings of a mass industry and at the same time anxious to develop a singular and insatiable commentary on the society it plays. is inspired. Yakuza games are inseparable from their time, depicted like a fresco, and it is through the analysis of these adventures that Victor Moisan will offer you an immersion in the Japan of yesterday and today.
The author will present the origins of Yakuza games to you through investigations, testimonies and extensive research.
The history of SEGA and the career of Toshihiro Nagoshi, creator of the saga, will also be discussed. The original concept of the series will in turn be detailed: from its desire to be a reaction to GTA as much as an ambitious desire to offer a realistic dive into the Kabukicho district and the world of the Japanese underworld. Each episode will then be analyzed: a case-by-case study of the seven "canonical" sections, embellished with anecdotes and portraits of important personalities in the history of the games (scriptwriters, actors, etc.).
French | Hardcover | | 9782377841370 | 2020 | 328 |
French | eBook | | N/A | 2020 | 328 |
Russian | Hardcover | | 9785041842598 | 2024 | 560 |
The Yakuza Saga: Japanese Video Games in the Present
La Saga Yakuza: Jeu Vidéo Japonais au Présent Сага Yakuza: подобная дракону. Как преступный мир Японии превратили в видеоигру
Authors/Narrators: #VictorMoisan
Publishers: #Bombora (Bombora [Бомбора]) #ThirdEditions (Third Editions)
Format: #Hardcover #eBook
Accessibility: N/A
Genres: N/A
#Sega (Sega)
Public Figures:
#ToshihiroNagoshi (Toshihiro Nagoshi)
#BinaryDomain (Binary Domain)
#FistOfTheNorthStar (Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise)
#Yakuza (Yakuza, Yakuza 2, Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, Yakuza 5 ,Yakuza 0, Yakuza 6, Ryu Ga Gotoku Kenzan!, Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin!, Yakuza: Dead Souls, Kurohyo: Ryu Ga Gotoku Shinsho, Kurohyo 2: Ryu Ga Gotoku Ashura Hen, Judgment, Yakuza: Like A Dragon)