Adrienne Shaw, Akiko Shibuya, Akira Sakamoto, Alexander R. Galloway, Andreas Gregersen, Andrew K. Przybylski, Anna Everett, Bernard DeKoven, Bernard Perron, Bob Rehak, Brad J. Bushman, Brett Camper, Brian Sutton-Smith, Carl Therrien, Celia Pearce, Clifford Geertz, Craig A. Anderson, C. Scott Rigby, David H. Ahl, David Myers, David Williamson Shaffer, Don Carson, Doug Church, Edward L. Swing, Eric Zimmerman, Espen Aarseth, Frank Randall "Randy" Farmer, Franz Mäyrä, F. Ted Tschang, Gareth R. Schott, Gonzalo Frasca, Greg Costikyan, Hannah R. Rothstein, Heikki Tyni, Helen W. Kennedy, Henry Jenkins, Henry Lowood, Ian Bogost, James Newman, James Paul Gee, Jennifer Jenson, Jesper Juul, Johan Huizinga, Julian Dibbell, Karen Collins, Karen E. Dill, Katie Salen, Kevin Schut, Kirsty R. Horrell, Kurt Squire, Lars Konzack, Laura Ermi, Marc LeBlanc, Mark Griffiths, Mark J. P. Wolf, Markuu Eskelinen, Mary Fuller, Mia Consalvo, Michele D. Dickey, Miguel Sicart, Muniba Saleem, Nick Monfort, Nobuko Ihori, Olli Sotamaa, Piotr Kubiński, Richard Bartle, Richard Halverson, Richard M. Ryan, Roberto Dillon, Robert Zubek, Robin Hunicke, Roger Caillois, Rune Klevjer, S. Craig Watkins, Simon Gottschalk, Souvik Muhkerjee, Steven D. Bristow, Suzanne de Castell, Ted Friedman, Thomas H. Apperley, T. L. Taylor, Torben Grodal, Trevor Elkington, Will Brooker
Video and interactive computer games now constitute an enormous industry that rivals television and film. Moreover, gaming is of growing importance in spheres beyond mere entertainment; games and gaming technology are increasingly applied to other ends, including for educational, political, and military purposes. Perhaps unsurprisingly, therefore, the cultural, social, and economic significance of games and gaming is now profound, and ripe for scholarly scrutiny and study.
Edited by the field’s leading scholar, Mark J. P. Wolf, the collection encompasses the socio-cultural, political, and economic dimensions of gaming from a wide variety of perspectives. The materials gathered explore issues of game design and development, provide close analysis of games as cultural artefacts, and address issues of policy, such as those related to race, class, gender, and sexuality.
English | Hardcover | | 9781138811256 | 2016 | 1720 |
Authors: #AdrienneShaw #AkikoShibuya #AkiraSakamoto #AlexanderRGalloway #AndreasGregersen #AndrewKPrzybylski #AnnaEverett #BernardDeKoven #BernardPerron #BobRehak #BradJBushman #BrettCamper #BrianSuttonSmith #CarlTherrien #CeliaPearce #CliffordGeertz #CraigAAnderson #CScottRigby #DavidHAhl #DavidMyers #DavidWilliamsonShaffer #DonCarson #DougChurch #EdwardLSwing #EricZimmerman #EspenAarseth #FrankRandallFarmer #FranzMäyrä #FTedTschang #GarethRSchott #GonzaloFrasca #GregCostikyan #HannahRRothstein #HeikkiTyni #HelenWKennedy #HenryJenkins #HenryLowood #IanBogost #JamesNewman #JamesPaulGee #JenniferJenson #JesperJuul #JohanHuizinga #JulianDibbell #KarenCollins #KarenEDill #KatieSalen #KevinSchut #KirstyRHorrell #KurtSquire #LarsKonzack #LauraErmi #MarcLeBlanc #MarkGriffiths #MarkJPWolf #MarkuuEskelinen #MaryFuller #MiaConsalvo #MicheleDDickey #MiguelSicart #MunibaSaleem #NickMonfort #NobukoIhori #OlliSotamaa #PiotrKubiński #RichardBartle #RichardHalverson #RichardMRyan #RobertoDillon #RobertZubek #RobinHunicke #RogerCaillois #RuneKlevjer #SCraigWatkins #SimonGottschalk #SouvikMuhkerjee #StevenDBristow #SuzannedeCastell #TedFriedman #ThomasHApperley #TLTaylor #TorbenGrodal #TrevorElkington #WillBrooker
Publishers: #Routledge (Routledge)
Languages: #English
Format: #Hardcover
Accessibility: #TextToSpeech #ScreenReader #EnhancedTypesetting
Year: #Year2016
Genres: #GameStudies
Public Figures: