Yann Leroux
What drives nearly half of French people to play video games?
The figures revealed by the national union of video games are formal: for the year 2011, in France, 28.5 million people play video games, which represents more than 40% of the population.
The profile of the player is sociologically in profound evolution. More than 60% of women play video games, they represent more than 52% of total gamers, and only 16.5% of gamers are under 18! Video games are a hobby practiced by all populations, without distinction of social class. It has become the first leisure activity of the French and its practice continues to develop, taking advantage of the many broadcasting media that furnish our daily lives: computers, TV screen, consoles, tablets, laptops, etc. It is also a rapidly growing creative industry, which represents a real industrial and cultural asset for France on a global level. Video games now go beyond the boundaries of mere entertainment: they combine desire, sharing and information, more than any other cultural form can do.
However, the literature on the subject is still limited to the history of video games in the form of a saga, or excessive practices and pathological functioning, which represent less than 5% of users. This book is the first to explain why 28.5 million French people play video games.
The author, Yann Leroux, deciphers in detail why we like to play video games, alone or collectively. It demonstrates how much digital gaming spaces are places of expression and self-realization and how much they contribute to our normal psychic functioning. It unravels one by one all the received ideas: video games are for teenagers, they convey materialistic values, they are all the same, they cut players off from their environment and their loved ones, they make people violent, etc. Then, he explains all the benefits that one derives from the practice of video games and the skills that it develops. It makes us understand how the video game is a mediator between generations and why it is one of the gateways through which the child can begin an initiatory journey that leads him to the world of adults. It is also often, for children, the first point of contact with digital tools and with representations and issues present in our societies. The games are reduced models in which the child finds the values, norms and roles that he will have to assume later as an adult.
Millions of players will find in this book the reasons and the sources of their pleasure in playing video games, and the arguments to reconcile them with those who don't understand them. Worried parents or spouses will find relief and the basis for a constructive dialogue.
French | Paperback | 9782916571867 | 2012 | 96 |
Les jeux video, ça rend pas idiot !
Authors/Artists: #YannLeroux
Publishers: #FYPÉditions (FYP Éditions)
Languages: #French
Format: #Paperback
Accessibility: N/A
Year: #Year2012
Genres: #GameStudies
Public Figures: